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Naming horses can be difficult because your horse’s moniker will stay with them for the rest of their life. So you will want to pick a perfect name fit for your beautiful horse.
Choose a name that is simple to say, memorable, and also a wonderful match for your horse’s character.
Whether it’s a white horse, black horse, or even a racehorse, a horse’s name is usually a way for others to know your horse better, and a name can showcase those traits. This could be its physical appearance or a character trait.
If you want to choose the perfect unique name for your horse, look at the list below for some inspiration!

Best Unique Horse Names
There’s a lot of pressure to choose a name that not only suits your horse but also shows uniqueness and creativity.
Look below for inspiration and come up with something striking, impressive, and worthy of your new pride and joy.
- Able Warrior
- Adoboloco
- Afghan Star
- Allure
- Amadeus
- Amazing Grace
- Antique
- Asteroid
- Atticus
- Back In Black
- Bad Box
- Barbarian Horde
- Baroness
- Belle of the Ball
- Berlingozzo
- Big Cut
- Big Man Steel
- Big Red Ivy
- Bitmap
- Black Gold
- Black of Saingliu
- Blooming Grace
- Bluegrass
- Bogart
- Bone Orchard
- Boomerang
- Born To Be Bad
- Boston Bay
- Bottom Line
- Boundless Possibilities
- Broken Record
- Bruma
- Calfornia Golden
- Call of the Wild
- Candlestick
- Cannonball
- Capella
- Cavalcade
- Cedynia
- Celestial
- Chop Shop
- Chopper
- Cinema
- Cleo
- Cloverfield
- Coastal Invader
- Cold Blooded
- Coming Up Roses
- Compromise
- Cornucopia
- Cosmic Comet
- Cosmopolitan
- Counter Rally
- Countless Melody
- Countrified
- Crimson Avenger
- Cut and Run
- Daisy Chain
- Dallas Hustle
- Dark Fury
- Dark Glow
- Dark Water
- Dawn of Light
- Deep Cut
- Delaware First
- Desert Rose
- Dirty Dancer
- Distortion
- Divine
- Dixie
- Doll Maker
- Double Digit
- Dragonfly
- Dragon’s Breath
- Dual Sword
- Dusk Shadows
- Dying To Tell
- Dysfunctional
- Eclipse
- Empress
- Equilibrium
- Equinox
- Eternal Echo
- Euphoria
- Everlasting Wish
- Executioner
- Eye Patch
- Fast Market
- Fifty Fifty
- Fireball Whiskey
- Flashdance
- Four Star Blues
- Foxy
- Free Fall
- Frontier Gold
- Future Plan
- Gallows
- General Panic
- Godspeed
- Gold Dust
- Golden Opportunity
- Golden Parachute
- Goldie Locks
- Gotham
- Greater Heights
- Grenada
- Grifter
- Gringolet
- Gung-Ho
- Gunpowder
- Gunslinger
- Gypsy Muffin
- Half Pence
- Harvest Moon
- Hayagriva
- Heartbreaker
- Hell Sabre
- High Dollar
- High River Prince
- Hillbilly
- Hollow Point
- Hollywood Star
- Holy Grail
- Holy Smoke
- Horror Story
- Hot To Trot
- Icefall
- Imbalance
- Jackpot
- Jelly Belly
- Joint Return
- Kabuki
- Kirin
- Kiss Off
- Kryptonite
- Krystal
- Lies and Scandal
- Limited Edition
- Lone Star
- Love Bug
- Made In America
- Madman Jack
- Maiko
- Malaga
- Manna From Hell
- March Hare
- Marionette
- Maripossa
- Mark Down
- Metropolis
- Midnight Rambler
- Midori
- Mild Breeze
- Milestone
- Mirrana
- Mischief Maker
- Montana Treasure
- Moonlight Serenade
- Morning Glory
- Most Wanted
- Mystic Mountain
- Neon Light
- Neptune
- Night Before Christmas
- Night Glow
- Night Ride To Omaha
- Nightfall
- Noble Heart Horse
- Old Dominion
- Orphan Blue
- Overdraft
- Par For The Course
- Pearl
- Penny For Your Thoughts
- Pepper Flakes
- Philadelphia Cream Cheese
- Phobia
- Pickled Magnolia
- Pinkie Pie
- Pied Piper
- Pocahontas
- Primma Donna
- Primo Extremo
- Primrose
- Quicksilver
- Rainbow Gold
- Rapidash
- Rebel Without A Cause
- Reckless
- Record Level
- Rock Slide
- Room Service
- Rose Garden
- Ruffian
- Sandman
- Sapphire Light
- Scepter
- Sergeant At Arms
- Shadow and Moon
- Shadowmere
- Shaken Not Stirred
- Shamrock
- Shiro
- Sideswipe
- Silver Kill
- Sinner Man
- Skinfaxi
- Skyfire
- Snail Mail
- Snow Boots
- Sparkle and Shine
- Spitfire
- Stainless Steel
- Starlett
- Starter On Tuesday
- Stinger Ray
- Stomper
- Storm Breaker
- Stormy Nightingale
- Strawberry Shortcake
- Sun Dance
- Supernova
- Swift Serene
- Switcheroo
- Tailwind
- Texas Lonestar
- Texas Rose
- Too Hot To Handle
- Topthorn
- Tormenta
- Triple A
- Trojan
- Twilight Time
- Twilight Zone
- Two Left Feet
- Vanilla Swirl
- Veillantif
- Vertigo
- Vortex
- Walk The Chalk
- Western Wishes
- White Kryptonite
- Wild At Heart
- Winter Kill
- Winter Solstice
- Wishful Thinking
- Xanthus
- Yellowhammer Alabama
- Zenica
- Zero Sum
Unique Female Horse Names
There’s a multitude of good female horse names out there with more people preferring to give their mare or filly a human name as opposed to more traditional name-giving.
Whatever your preference, the list below covers unique names for your girl horse.
- Abby
- Acapella
- Acorn
- Adella
- Alaska Ice
- Allegria
- Amaretto Sour
- Amazon Rainforest
- Amber
- Andorra
- Angelina
- Aqua
- Arabella
- Arabesque
- Aria
- Arianne
- Ash Fall
- Astra
- Athena
- Atomic Blonde
- Aurelia
- Autumn Wind
- Azalea
- Bailey
- Basia
- Basic
- Beauty and Beast
- Billie Jean
- Bitsy
- Black Magic
- Black Mamba
- Black Pearl
- Black Rose
- Black Stars
- Blondie
- Blue Blood
- Blue Fairy
- Blue Moon
- Bonnie
- Brandy
- Briar Rose
- Butternut Squash
- Calliope
- Camellia
- Candy Corn
- Cappuccino
- Caramel Highlights
- Carmen San Diego
- Cashew
- Charmed
- Chez Noir
- China
- Coral
- Cover Girl
- Dahlia
- Daphne
- Desert Orchid
- Desert Rose
- Desire
- Destiny’s Child
- Diamond Tiara
- Diorite
- Divine Thought
- Duchess
- Dulcinea
- Ebony
- Edelweiss
- Edge of Glory
- Edna
- Elizabeth
- Ellie
- Ember
- Embrace
- Emily
- Emmaline
- Enigma
- Epona
- Erica
- Esmeralda
- Esperanza
- Fauna
- Felicity
- Fergie
- Fiona
- Firefly
- Firework
- Flame
- Flicka
- Florence
- Flower
- Force
- Freesia
- Fury
- Fuschia
- Gaia
- Galaxy
- Gamora
- Geisha
- Geri
- Gilda
- Gina
- Ginger
- Ginny
- Gloriana
- Glory
- Goddess
- Golden Rose
- Goldilocks
- Gothic Lolita
- Graceful
- Gravity
- Gretel
- Gypsy
- Harmony
- Heather
- Heidi
- Henrietta
- Hera
- Honeymoon
- Hopeful Wishing
- Huntress
- India
- Inflammable
- Iris
- Isabelle
- Ivy
- Jacinda
- Jamaica
- Jasmine
- Jazzy Tunes
- Jessie
- Jinx
- Jody
- Joy
- Juliet
- Juno
- Kalina
- Lady Smith
- Last Hope
- Legend Has It
- Liberty
- Liberty Bell
- Lollipop
- London Road
- Lottie
- Luna
- Magenta
- Magpie
- Malachite
- Mantilla
- Mara
- Marigold
- Melody
- Merida
- Midnight Magic
- Midnight Waltz
- Moira
- Moonlight
- Mulan
- Muneca
- Mystery
- Mystical Moment
- Narnia
- Nebula
- Nevada
- Never Again
- Niagara
- Nightshade
- Nirvana
- Noir
- Olivia
- Once Upon a Time
- Opal
- Orion
- Pandora
- Pansy
- Patience
- Patriot Dream
- Peach Cobbler
- Petunia
- Picture Perfect
- Poetry
- Poetry in Motion
- Polka
- Polly
- Poppy
- Queen Bee
- Queen Diva
- Queen Supreme
- Raggedy Anne
- Ramona
- Reba
- Rhapsody
- Rita Hayworth
- River Run
- Rosie Cheeks
- Ruby Red
- Ruffian
- Rumba
- Sahara
- Santana
- Sapphire Blue
- Cold Savannah
- Scarlet Red
- Sea The Stars
- Second Chance
- Second Wind
- Selena
- Serenity
- Singing in the Rain
- Snow White
- Snowdrop
- Snowfire
- Sonatina
- Sparks Fly
- Stardust
- Starlight
- Starstruck
- Sublime
- Summer Breeze
- Summer Love
- Sunburst
- Sundance
- Sunrise
- Surprise
- Suzie
- Sydney
- Sydney
- Tabitha
- Tara
- Tinkerbell
- Tulip
- Twiggy
- Twinkle
- Umber
- Ursula
- Utopia
- Valley
- Vanity
- Venus
- Vermilion
- Verona
- Wednesday
- Wind Chaser
- Windy Day
- Winter Dreams
- Yoshiko
- Yulong
- Zelda
- Zinnia
Unique Male Horse Names
Finding the perfect title for your horse takes a lot of thought. Try picking a name that aligns with your horse’s personality, looks, or ability.
Any horse lovers can be sure to find inspiration for naming their gelding or stallion in our list of male names below.
- A Stroke of Luck
- Aaron’s Law
- Abracadabra
- Acadia
- Ace of spades
- Across the 8th Dimension
- Adios
- After Dark
- Alakazam
- All That Jazz
- American Pride
- Around the Clock
- Aspen Colder
- Atreyu
- Awesome Sauce
- Back Alley
- Backlash
- Bait and Switch
- Baker’s Dozen
- Ballroom Blitz
- Barricade
- Before Sunrise
- Beretta
- Berserker
- Big Sugar
- Black Label
- Blazing Trails
- Bone Jack
- Bottom In January
- Boy Is Back In Town
- Brassy Lad
- Breaker
- Calamity Call
- Camino
- Carbon Copy
- Cash Back
- Charismatic
- Chopin Keys
- Clay Cross
- Claymore
- Cleveland Bay
- Closer To Thirteen
- Co-founder
- Color by Numbers
- Columbo
- Contingent
- Copperhead
- Cross Country
- Curio
- Dante
- Dark Ages
- Dark Matter
- Darkness Below
- Dead Drop
- Dead Heat
- Deal Breaker
- Devil In The Snow
- Distributor
- Dollar Bill
- Domingo
- Double Nickel
- Dream Machine
- Dusty Roads
- E Tu Brutus
- Easy Fashion
- Easy Rider
- Ecosystem
- Edgar
- Edmund
- Edsun
- Edwin
- Einstein
- El Jefe
- Elwood
- Entry Point
- Epic Run
- Espionage
- Explosion
- Fabio
- Falcon
- Faro
- Fear Not
- Fiddlesticks
- Fifth King
- Fifty States
- Finley
- Fisher
- Flash By
- Flash Gordon
- Floyd
- Fly Rink
- Fonso
- Forest Breeze
- Francis
- Freeman
- French Connection
- Fritz
- Furious Gypsy
- Fury Rage
- Game Changer
- Genie In A Bottle
- Gerald
- Ghost Rider
- Gizmo
- Goldsmith
- Goodness Gracious
- Graffiti
- Grand Illusion
- Half Life
- Hanging Man
- Happy Ending
- Happy Trails
- Hard Case
- Hard Landing
- Hercules
- Hooch
- Humbug
- Jackeroo
- Jelly Bean
- Just Incredible
- Keeper of the Keys
- Kentucky Knight
- Kevlar
- Kickback
- Killer Bee
- Killing Them Softly
- King Kong
- Knobs
- Knock Down
- Kopeck
- Landlord
- Landslide
- Last Mile
- Law and Order
- Layer By Layer
- Legend
- Lickety Split
- Long Fellow
- Lost In Memphis
- Lumberjack
- Mad Hatter
- Mad Max
- Madagascar
- Major Player
- Manhattan
- Manipulation
- Master Blaster
- Maverick
- Maximum
- Meeting On Sunday
- Mermaid Kisses
- Microwave
- Middle Ground
- Mission Storm
- Money Back Guarantee
- Monopoly
- Mount Fuji
- Moving Violation
- Mr. E
- Murmur
- Mustang Angel
- Mynute
- Mythic Matrix
- Nepson
- New Monty
- Nicolaus Silver
- Nightcap
- No Boundaries
- Noisy Boy
- Odd Job
- Omega
- Order in the Court
- Oreo Cookie
- Oscor
- Out of dark
- Outlaw
- Passing Wind
- Penny Dreadful
- Perfect Storm
- Phenomenal
- Pied Piper
- Plan A
- Poncho
- Prism
- Psychonaut
- Public Enemy
- Quasimodo
- Ranger
- Rap Major
- Rascal
- Ratio
- Ready to Live
- Reality Check
- Renegade
- Revelator
- Risky Business
- Roadblock
- Rocky Mountains
- Rodeo Red
- Runner’s Chance
- Second Guess
- Second Hour
- Seven Days Fresh
- Silent Night
- Silver Rush
- Simple Life
- Sinbad
- Six Cushions
- Skeleton Key
- Sloane
- Small State
- Son of a Gun
- Spirit of Independence
- Staff Of Life
- State By State
- Steeler
- Stormy Night
- Stronger Than Yesterday
- Sunburst
- Sunlight Storm
- Sunny Side Up
- Sweet Chocolate
- Take Two
- Tenderloin
- Terminus
- The American Dream
- The Duke
- Think Twice
- Thunder Alpine
- Thundering Timbers
- Timber
- Trigger Finger
- Tripwire
- Tropicana
- True Grit
- Tubin
- Turquoise
- Uncle Zeus
- Unity
- Valuation
- Vanguard
- Walkabout
- Walter
- War Whistle
- Wesson
- Window Dresser
- Wisenheimer
- Wonder Wall
- Youth In Revolt
- Zephyr
Horse Name Inspiration
Picking the right name for your horse can be challenging because you need to get to know your horse before giving them the perfect name.
Before picking the ideal name, it’s important to spend time with your horse and get to know its personality. You can then get inspiration for your horse’s name from personal experiences, interactions, or even simple observations.
You’ll want to make sure that the name matches your horse. The goal is to make the name resonate with your horse and vice versa.
If you’re still stuck, try pondering on these topics:
1. Nature
Some of the best horse names are nature-inspired such as Desert Orchid and Midnight Sun. Just pick your favorite elements of nature to create a unique name for your horse!
2. Mythology
Greek mythology is often used as inspiration for horse names; however, there are other mythologies to get inspiration from such as Norse, African, or Japanese. There are many to research for naming inspiration!
3. Language
Just saying a word in another language makes the word sound cooler. Try picking traits of your horse and translating them to another language. You might come up with a unique name for your horse!
Try some of our language-related names suitable for any horse breed in the articles listed below:
4. Media
It’s common to look at celebrities, books, films, and t.v. shows to inspire a title for your horse. You can name your horse after on-screen famous horses such as Shadowfax or Roach.
Pick your favorite book, movie, tv show, or celebrity to name your horse after.
5. Human Names
Because horses are part of the family, it is not a bad idea to give them a human name. You could also name it after a family member or friend that you look up to or respect. It is important to check with that person first.
6. Funny Names
Funny names are endearing and could say a lot about your horse. Create your own pun that relates to your horse. For example, Gallopleo could be a punny but fitting name.
On the other hand, you could also name your horse something that is contrary to its traits. For example, calling a fast horse Slow Mo. This could make for a funny name.
Check out these articles for more ideas:
7. Physical Appearance
Names based on a horse’s color are quite common. But if your horse has a unique marking their appearance could give you inspiration.
For example, if your horse has unique markings around one eye, you could call him Eye Patch.
Be sure to observe your horse and see if they have a unique identifier!
Names related to a horse’s personality traits tell others a lot about the horse. Free Spirit, Bashful, and Diva are all names that say something about your horse.
It’s important to spend time with your horse so that you can get to know his or her personality!
Help Choosing The Right Name
With all of the options out there, choosing the right one might require some help. Ask friends, family, or those in the horse field about their opinions.
Also, consider your horse’s profession. You would name a racehorse or show horse differently than a ranch horse or companion horse.
If you are going to register your horse’s name you’ll need to also consider some of the guidelines which are outlined here.
Come up with a few alternatives and try using these names in front of your horse. Then, make a note if you feel any connection or if your horse reacts positively to one over the other. Imagine how it would feel calling them every time you enter the stable.
If you still need more inspiration and information, check out other lists of horse names on this site.
As a horse owner choosing a unique name is not an easy task. It can be a lot of pressure to give your horse the perfect title. However, there are many places to draw inspiration from.
The important thing is to make sure the name clicks with both you and your horse. What are you trying to convey through this name? What do you want others to get from it when they hear the name?
Mull it over for a couple of days and you’ll be sure to pick out the perfect horse name in no time!
If you’re still looking for more inspiration, check out these awesome lists of horse names!