Chincoteague Pony Facts And Information – Breed Profile
Learn about America’s second wild horse breed–the Chincoteague Pony! These sturdy little Island ponies are the only other wild American horses besides mustangs.
A list of horse breeds starting with C, see our horse breed guides for some awesome facts and information.
Learn about America’s second wild horse breed–the Chincoteague Pony! These sturdy little Island ponies are the only other wild American horses besides mustangs.
Cumberland Island Horses are a breed of horses that roam feral and free. They are, by all definitions, unmanaged wild horses indigenous to the Island of Cumberland.
Camarillo White Horses are most popular and unique for their fabulous white color. According to a well-researched international study, these horses are known to possess unique mutations of a specific gene.
An ancient horse breed, native to the area of France called Camargue, the Camargue Horse belongs to Southern France. Although its origins are somewhat dubious, it is considered among the oldest breeds in the world.
The Carolina Marsh Tacky is a rare horse breed native to South Carolina, United States. It belongs to the Colonial Spanish group of horse breeds found along the east coast of the United States.
The Caspian horse is one of the oldest and rarest horse breeds. They are also called Khazar horse. In ancient Persia, the Caspian horse was called by various names like Pumpelli, Lyudian, Pouseki and Moulecki.
The Cleveland Bay Horse is an English horse that got its name from the district of Cleveland in Yorkshire. These bay horses are so named as they are always bay in color. It is one of the oldest breed of horses in England.
The Canadian Horse is a horse that originated in Canada. Also known as the French Canadian horse or Cheval Canadien, it has a history of more than 450 years.
Clydesdale Horses are easily recognizable and a hugely popular heavy horse breed. If you have ever been to a horse-driven Budweiser parade, you must have marveled at these majestic steeds.