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Italian horse names are beautiful, unique, and charming. If you’re looking for an Italian-inspired name for your new horse or foal, you’ve come to the right place.
Choosing a name for your horse is the first step to welcoming them into the family. Whether you’re Italian, your horse is an Italian breed, or you just love Italy, Italian names are bellissimo!
What makes the Italian language so perfect for naming horses is that it has a diverse range of names for every type of horse. From strong ancient-inspired names for Stallions to stunning names inspired by some of Italy’s iconic locations, you can’t go wrong when you call your horse an Italian name.
Your horse’s name is important so it’s important you take the time to decide on a name that suits them. Below we’ll take you through some of our favorites that will inspire you!

Best Italian Names For Your Horse
If your horse is an Italian breed, it makes sense to pay homage to their roots with a beautiful and unique Italian horse name. Some examples of Italian Horse breeds include Italian trotter, Murgese, Calabrese, and Esperia pony.
Finding the perfect Italian horse name will have you singing from the rooftops. But remember – if Italian isn’t your mother tongue, make sure you choose a name that’s easy for you to pronounce. After all, you’ll be saying your horse’s name for many years to come so you want it to roll off your tongue.
Below we’ve compiled a list of some of the best Italian names for horses.
- Gioia mia – my joy
- Allegro – cheerful
- Rambo
- Rosso
- Circe – name of a famous sorceress
- Principe – prince
- Zeus
- Vulcan
- Regem – king
- Mozzafiato – breath-taking
- Angelo – angel
- Regina – queen
- Dolce – sweet
- Tesora – treasure
- Nero
- Stella – star
- Armino – soldier, warrior
- Stellina – little star
- Otello
- Atomo – atom
- Zena
- Marco Polo
- Arianna – most holy
- Aurora – luminous
- Pioggia – rain
Italian Mare Horse Names
Finding the perfect Italian name for your mare or filly can be difficult. With a number of beautiful options out there, you can often be spoilt for choice. Your mare’s name will stay with her for many years to come, so it’s important you select the right one.
A name says a lot about your horse’s temperament, giving many potential breeders an insight into their personality so it’s important you choose something that’s both bold and beautiful. below, we’ve picked out some stunning names to inspire you when naming your mare.
- Bianca – white
- Luce de Sole – sunshine
- Bellezza – beauty
- Girasole – sunflower
- Luminoso – bright
- Olympia
- Grazia
- Carina – beloved
- Valentina
- Evita
- Sprezzatura – elegance
- Minerva – goddess of wisdom
- Peonia – peony
- Viola – violet
- Fiore – flower
- Vittoria – victory
- Zucca – pumpkin
- Canella – cinnamon
- Agata – kind
- Elda – warrior
- Lunetta – little moon
- Renata – rebirth
- Verdette – guardian
- Chiara – clear
- Bella – beauty
Italian Stallion Names
Stallions are strong, powerful, and magnificent animals, so it’s only right you want to give him a name to reflect that. There are hundreds of powerful Italian Stallion names, many of which date back to ancient Rome. Your stallion’s name will stick with him throughout his life, so it’s important you choose something as majestic as he is.
Below, we’ve compiled a list of the top 25 Stallion names for your horse.
- Pegasus – a winged horse who could fly
- Aries
- Saturn – God of agriculture
- Dino – little sword
- Uso – intelligent
- Benedictus – blessed
- Pluto
- Deusdedit – God’s gift
- Felix – lucky
- Ermanno – soldier, warrior
- Neptune – God of the sea
- Nario – cheerful
- Salvatore – saviour
- Raphael
- Caesar
- Drusus – strong
- Ignazio – fiery
- Leonardo
- Amadeus – a late roman name which means love of God
- Augustus – first Roman emperor
- Valente – strong
- Mercury – God of travellers and tradesmen
- Bandit
- Constantine
- Hercules – demi God of mythology
Italian Show Horse Names
Horse show names are usually much longer than your horse’s real name and often range from unique and sarcastic to elegant and funny. While some competitions call for you to use your horse’s registered name, you can select a horse show name in many horse shows.
Finding the perfect Italian horse show name to fit your horse’s personality can take some time, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the Italian language. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 25 inspirational names for your show horse.
- Piccolo guerriero – little warrior
- Volantino alto – highflyer
- Bel sognatore – beautiful dreamer
- Diamante grezzo – diamond in the rough
- Amore eterno – everlasting love
- Chi dorme non piglia pesci – you snooze, you lose
- Buon giorno raggio di sole – good day sunshine
- Velluto blu – blue velvet
- Alba – rising sun
- Lupo grigio – grey wolf
- Bellezza nera – black beauty
- Pioggia di meteoriti – meteor shower
- Forza del tuono – thunder force
- Signora fortuna – lady luck
- Orchidea bianca – white orchid
- Cacciatore di arcobaleno – chasing rainbows
- Tempesta perfetta – perfect storm
- Bestia magnifica – magnificent beast
- Ti ho fatto un incantesimo – I put a spell on you
- Grande fuga – great escape
- Brezza estiva – summer breeze
- Forte e maestoso – strong and majestic
- Il più grande ballerino – greatest dancer
- Portami sulla luna – fly me to the moon
- Lotta o fuga – fight or fly
Italian Racehorse Names
Racehorse names should always be catchy, innovative, and easy to pronounce. Fortunately, the Italian language is bursting with catchy, easy-to-pronounce names for you to call your racehorse.
We’ve listed some below.
- Enzo – home ruler
- Lupo – Wolf
- Cavaliere cavaliere – knight rider
- Sguardo d’amore – look of love
- Electra – energy and light
- Mirabella
- Apollo
- Luce splendente – shining light
- Ottavia
- Nicola
- Avviatore di fuoco – fire starter
- Salvatore
- Aviogetto – jet
- Rosetta
- Drago rosso – red dragon
- Sergio
- Capolavoro – masterpiece
- Elettrica – electric
- Virginia
- Vesta
- Bisogno di velocità – need for speed
- Fabrizio
- Zucchero di canna – brown sugar
- Vivianna
- Milo
Famous Italian Names Four Your Pet Horse
When exploring names for your horse, you may look at famous people for inspiration. This can be for several reasons, including their influence on the world, but it’s likely you’re naming them after someone famous because of their iconic status and that your horse is iconic too.
We’ve found some great horse names based on famous Italian figures, from painters to sportsmen, for both stallions and mares!
- Marco Polo – adventurer who travelled from Europe to asia in 1271
- Gianni Versace – founder of fashion company Versace
- De Niro – two time academy award winner Robert Di Niro
- Julius Caesar – famous Roman emperor
- Totti – Italian footballer
- Prada – Italian luxury fashion house
- John Paul – former head of catholic church
- Ferrari – Italian sports car manufacturer
- Michelangelo – famous Italian painter
- Valentino Rossi – multiple time moto GP champion
- Fila – Italian sportswear brand
- Pavarotti – one of Italy’s finest opera singers
- Mona Lisa – Italian noblewoman made famous by Leonardo Da Vinci
- Juliet – the female protagonist in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
- Claudius – the emperor who conquered Britain
- Dante – Italian writer
- Bonanno Pisano – Italian sculptor that built the leaning tower of Pisa
- Bellucci – Monica Bellucci, an Italian model
- Raphael – Italian painter and architect
- Bocelli – Italian opera tenor and multi-instrumentalist
- Pio – a 19th century Italian saint
- Buffon – greatest goalkeeper of all time
- Dolce Gabbana – Italian luxury fashion house
- Salvi – Italian architect that built the Trevi fountain
- Mario – Iconic Nintendo character
Funny Italian Names For Horses
If you’re on the hunt for funny Italian names, then you will love this list. Some horse owners like to be insightful and meaningful when naming a new horse whereas others like to call theirs after something cultural or after a celebrity.
Some people love a clever and humorous name such as NEIGHbour and rein it in. If you love a good horse pun or prefer a comical name for your horse, then our list below will have you laughing all the way back to the stables.
- Animale stabile – meaning stable animal in English
- Tito – meaning giant, great for small horses
- Espresso – your horse is your pick me up
- Zitto – meaning quiet, we know a lot of horses are anything but
- Alto – meaning tall, great for pygmy horses
- Primo – meaning first. If this is your first horse it’s a good one!
- Scimmietta – little monkey. For those cheeky horses
- La belva – the beast, comical for a shy and timid horse
- Neighbelline – a horse pun inspired by the cosmetics company Maybelline
- Evento criniera – translating to mane event, a play on words
- Neighked – play on ‘naked’
- Mezzo uomo mezzo cavallo – half man, half horse
- Incubo – translating to night-mare! A play on words
- Raffinato – meaning fine and elegant, used for a messy horse
- Ferrari – for a slow horse
- Pantone – Italian word for ‘big potato’ to refer to a larger horse
- Pinocchio – for a horse that doesn’t play by the rules
- Ciacciarrone – for a horse that never stops neighing
- Lena – for a horse that has a bad temper
- Lessa – for a horse that’s always tired
Horse Names Inspired By Italian Food
Many horse owners choose to give their horses a fancy, complicated name. After all, they are magnificent creatures. But for so many horse owners, a fancy or complicated name just won’t suffice.
Many horse owners want their horse’s name to reflect their hobbies and interests so it’s no surprise that some common horse names are food-themed including popular dinner and alcohol items.
Below, we’ve picked out some of the most popular and unique food-related horse names to get your creative juices flowing.
- Biscotti
- Focaccia
- Gelato
- Zuppa
- Dolce
- Macaroni
- Pollo
- Romano
- Bruschetta
- Ragu
- Alfredo
- Caramello
- Gnocchi
- Gazpacho
- Stromboli
- Orzo
- Ciabatta
- Marinara
- Aperol
- Chianti
- Calzone
- Vermouth
- Minestrone
- Fusilli
- Parmigiano
Horse Names Inspired By Italian Places
It can be really tough to pick a name for your horse. One method that we’ve found that works is coming up with a theme such as places. If you’re looking for a name inspired by some of the most beautiful places in Italy, you’ve come to the right place.
To help you out on your horse naming journey, we’ve put together a list of 25 place-related names. From popular cities like Rome and Milan to picturesque towns along the coast, there are a lot of stunning names to choose from.
- San Nicola
- Lazio
- Santa Maria
- Neive
- Don Bosco
- Pompeii
- Tivoli
- Roma
- Isola Bella
- Ostuni
- Dorsoduro
- Santa Margherita
- Matera
- Verona
- Florence
- Pantelleria
- Scilla
- Ravenna
- Spiaggia delle Due Sorelle
- Chieti
- Genoa
- Bari
- Capri
- Tuscany
- Basilicata
Help Choosing The Right Name
Just about anything Italian can inspire you, from the ancient Romans to food and drinks, right through to the beautiful places Italy is home to. Try looking at those gorgeous post-card images of Italy and imagine your horse riding through the picturesque mountains or galloping down the stunning sandy beaches.
It’s normal to struggle when naming your horse, after all, that name will stick with them forever so it’s important you get it right. One way to find a unique name for your horse is to look back through history. These names will be rarely used and often describe your horse’s personality perfectly.
Another way to choose the right name is by taking a common phrase and translating it into Italian. For example diamond in the rough translates to diamante grezzo and black betty translates to Betty nera – much more interesting names than their English meaning.
Picking a name that’s easy for people to say and turn into a nickname is really important. There is nothing worse than a long name that nobody can remember, let alone say.
Lastly, take inspiration from books. For instance, Shakespeare plays such as Othello or Romeo and Juliet which are both set in Italy.
Additional areas for inspiration include:
- Italian painters
- Italian saints
- Italian landmarks
- Italian proverbs
Whether you own an Italian horse or just want to give your horse a name that comes from Italy, our comprehensive list has got you covered. The in-depth lists above can provide you with a lot of variety to pick your name from that will highlight its many positive features and personality traits.
Ensure you take plenty of time when picking a name for your horse, you’ll want to be certain that the name you choose for your horse fits it perfectly for many years to come.
If you’re still looking for more inspiration, check out these awesome lists of horse names!