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Draft horses are some of the most beautiful, powerful, and muscular creatures on earth. If you’re blessed enough to have one of these equine friends, consider yourself lucky. They often bond more with their humans in a personal way and are happy to perform laborious jobs.
Whether you have a Belgian, a Clydesdale, an Ardennes, or some other draft horse, you want to ensure you select a name that has some power behind it. Since they are most often used for work like hauling and farming or even battle and war, picking a name should reflect what they do.

Good Draft Horse Names
The following is a list of some basic names that are good and common for many draft horses. If you don’t like any one of these, perhaps they will inspire something else?
- Apache
- Barley
- Beast
- Blondie
- Bolt
- Bones
- Boomer
- Bronze
- Bullet
- Cleveland
- Comanche
- Copper
- Courage
- Dagger
- Dakota
- Fierce
- Fire
- Fortitude
- Lakota
- Lank
- Lonestar
- Misty
- Navajo
- North
- Remo
- Rider
- Rocket
- Rocky
- Rogue
- Ryder
- Snake
- Spike
- Strength
- Stout
- Turbo
Female Names For Draft Horses
Only the best and most galvanized type of name will do for a draft horse that’s a mare. See if these names of femininity and fortitude suit your bulky gal.
- Abrielle
- Ada
- Anastasia
- Andarta
- Andra
- Antonia
- Arnia
- Artheda
- Audrey
- Autumn
- Az
- Bella
- Beren
- Berta
- Bia
- Bryna
- Calypso
- Catherine
- Chollima
- Crystal
- Damia
- Darcy
- Durga
- Embra
- Epona
- Filomena
- Fiona
- Flecka
- Flicka
- Grizelda
- Isla
- Kali
- Kaori
- Karla
- Kaya
- Lady
- Millicent
- Nina
- Olympia
- Passion
- Petra
- Princess
- Rhiannon
- Sadie
- Sahara
- Shasta
- Sheeba
- Shyla
- Skadi
- Tara
- Tillie
- Valerie
- Xena
- Xone
- Zelda
- Zephyra
Male Names For Draft Horses
When you have a beefy male, its nomenclature should be a description of both its physical and character traits. The following list is for both stallions and geldings.
- Aiden
- Angus
- Antoine
- Armstrong
- Arnau
- Atticus
- Audie
- Balor
- Baron
- Boaz
- Bruce
- Buck
- Buddy
- Cam
- Carlos
- Charlie
- Chucky
- Cisco
- Clyde
- Dan
- Dexter
- Drew
- Duke
- Ethan
- Ferocity
- Frank
- Gothard
- Hank
- Ike
- Jacob
- Jude
- Legionnaire
- Mack
- Malcom
- Max
- Maximus
- Mike
- Monty
- Opie
- Oscar
- Percival
- Randy
- Robert
- Roland
- Roman
- Russell
- Rustle
- Soldier
- Steve
- Sven
- Tiergan
- Trucker
- Tucker
- Valentino
- Valiant
- Valor
- Varro
- Victor
- Warrior
- Zeke
- Zenobio
Names For Black Draft Horses
Of course, when you have a mare, stallion or gelding that’s dark in color, you want to have a name that includes it. Inspect its mane, forelock and feathers because these may help further your inspiration.
- Abyss
- Bernt
- Black Beauty
- Black Death
- Black Hole
- Black Stallion
- Blackbeard
- Blackberry
- Blackjack
- Blackness
- Blackwell
- Charcoal
- Coal
- Dark Knight
- Dark Side of the Moon
- Ebony
- Eclipse
- Fury
- Grim Reaper
- Inky
- Jaguar
- Jet
- Knight
- Midnight
- MidKnight
- Night Terror
- Nightmare
- Noir
- Obsidian
- Onyx
- Pitch
- Raven
- Sardonyx
- Shadowfax
- Slate
- Sloe
- Smokey
- Soulless
- Stormy
- Stygian
- Thundercloud
- Thunderstorm
Names For White Draft Horses
Alternatively, if your enormous horse is pure white in color, you can name it any one of the following below. Think about all the words and synonyms that associate with “white,” “pale” or “light.”
- Abominable Snowman
- Alabaster
- Angel
- Argent
- Avalanche
- Blanca
- Blanch
- Blizzard
- Brilliant
- Casper
- Diamond
- Eggshell
- Gleam
- Iceburg
- Ivory
- Jennifer
- Luna
- Milky
- Moonlight
- Pearly
- Platinum
- Powder
- Quartz
- Sallow
- Snow Crystal
- Snow Dazzle
- Snow White
- Snowball
- Snowdrop
- Snowflake
- Starshine
- Steam
- Sterling
- Sugar
- Sun Spirit
- Waxen
- Whitcomb
- White Gold
- White Wizard
- Whitewash
- Whitewater
- Wintergreen
- Yeti
Cool Names For Draft Horses
The names given below are for draft horses that have a spark of elegance or some kind of legendary quality. When your horse has a definite and clear personality, you should opt for a name that shows it.
- Adobe
- Azul
- Batzorig
- Brandy
- Bucephalus
- Cinnamon
- Conall
- Cyan
- Diablo
- Dragon
- Dynamite
- Ferris
- Fire Angel
- Firebolt
- Firefly
- Granada
- Hale
- Highlander
- Kelpie
- Lemon Drop
- Lord
- Magnum
- Maleficent
- Malodorous
- Nitro
- Pharaoh
- Phoenix
- Rebel
- Reclamation
- Sandstorm
- Sapphire
- Savage
- Spitfire
- Sundancer
- Talo
- Talon
- Tulpar
- Viking
- Wicked
- Zeal
Funny Names For Draft Horses
In the event your draft horse is a total clown, a funny name might just be the perfect fit. If hilarity, joking, playing and frolicking are the horse’s normal mode of being, you’ll have to pick one of these.
- Alien
- Amazon
- Bacardi
- Bandit
- Bandit
- Barn
- Bear
- Beefcake
- Bozo
- Bruiser
- Butterscotch
- Captain
- Diesel
- Drastic
- Enforcer
- Grizzly
- Mandarin
- Moose
- Moxey
- Peewee
- Picante
- Piquant
- Plucky
- Rage
- Razzle Dazzle
- Reaper
- Robin
- Robust
- Rodeo
- Scotch
- Severe
- Shrimp
- Sneakers
- Snyper
- Stag
- Stalwart
- Tank
- Tenacious
- Toughy
- Tower
- Tuffy
- Villa
- Whippet
- Wick
- Widow Maker
- Yankee
- Zealous
Famous Draft Horse Names
This specialized list of names comes from all things famous. Things like popular literature, ancient mythology, famous personalities, a famous horse from TV or pop culture are some of the inspirations.
- Achilles
- Ajax
- Alexander the Great
- Andre the Giant
- Andromeda
- Angus Young
- Apollo
- Aries
- Athena
- Atlas
- Big Ben
- Boudica
- Boxer
- Budweiser
- Castor
- Chewbacca
- Cleopatra
- Crazy Horse
- Darth Vader
- Euryale
- Goliath
- Gwenyfar
- Hades
- Hektor
- Helios
- Hercules
- Hermes
- Horatio
- Houdini
- Julius Caesar
- Jupiter
- King Arthur
- Lancelot
- Lassie
- Lord of the Rings
- Marc Antony
- Medusa
- Mercury
- Merlin
- Mr. Ed
- Napoleon
- Odysseus
- Peter Pan
- Picasso
- Pippi Longstocking
- Pollux
- Rambo
- Rambo
- Rapunzel
- RedRum
- Rembrandt
- Schwarzenegger
- Seabiscuit
- Secretariat
- Sekhmet
- Steve McQueen
- Stheno
- The Hulk
- Thor
- Ulysses
- Wilbur
- Zeus
Names For Spotted Draft Horses
Spots and patches on your draft horse means you should have a name that indicates such things. Pay attention to its colors and how the markings appear. Make note of any shapes and formations.
- Blot
- Brindle
- Checker
- Confetti
- Dalmatian
- Dapple
- Dice
- Domino
- Dot
- Droplet
- Flake
- Freckles
- Gypsy
- Jigsaw
- Kit Kat
- Lacy
- Marble
- Mosaic
- Motley
- Oreo
- Patch
- Pebbles
- Pigment
- Pirate
- Salt-n-Pepper
- Skunk
- Sparkle
- Spatter
- Splotch
- Spot
- Spotted Eagle
- Sprinkle
- Stipple
- Taffeta
- Tapestry
- Tie Dye
- Tweed
- Yin Yang
Horse Name Inspiration
Whenever you’re searching for your draft horse’s name, be sure you observe your horse in action. Pay attention to every detail, including its mannerisms, demeanor, attitude, personality, preferences, and activity.
If you find you’re having problems coming up with a name, do a search online for baby names but do it based on the meaning or adjectives you observe from your horse. For instance search for “strong,” “force,” “power” and etc.
Help Choosing The Right Name
Regardless of the various horse breeds, you want to ensure following the basic naming rules. As always, horse names should never be longer than 18 characters. You want to be able to say it with ease and the horse should find the name enjoyable.
It may be good to pick a few names to see which one the horse responds to best. Make no mistake, it will let you know if it likes the name or not. In the case you’re having severe difficulty, you could always post a pic of your draft horse online. Go to social media or a horse forum to see if anyone has any fresh ideas for you.
If you plan to use the horse in a competitive capacity, ensure you abide by those rules so your draft horse can qualify. In most cases, you don’t want to use anything offensive, sexually suggestive, or in poor taste.
Most draft horses are enormous forces that are also gentle, kind, and loving. So, you want to make sure you pick a name that reflects who and what they are to the best of your ability. It shouldn’t take too long, but you do want to take some time before solidly deciding.
If you’re still looking for more inspiration, check out these awesome lists of horse names!