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Silver horses are magnificent in their coloring, even though they may appear as a simple gray horse. In certain aspects of light and at particular times of day, their coat color can actually have a magical sparkly shimmer. It really adds to their majesty and projects an indescribable layer to their personality.
So, when you have one of these gorgeous equine friends, you should choose a name that highlights this special silvery feature.
Allow this master list of silver horse names to inspire you.

Best Names For Silver Horses
There are many things you could call your horse. But if you’re determined to give your flea-bitten or dapple grey horses a name with a silver color, see if it takes to any of the nomenclature listed below.
- Aeronautic
- Aether
- Ag (chemistry symbol for silver)
- Agate
- Agleam
- Aglow
- Alchemy
- Alkaline
- Alloy
- Aluminum
- Amphorous
- Anodize
- Antimony
- Apostle
- Aquarius
- Archangel
- Arctic
- Argent
- Argentarius
- Argentine
- Argentum
- Argyris
- Argyros
- Arian
- Arsenic
- Ash
- Ashton
- Ashtray
- Astatine
- Aster
- Asteroid
- Astronaut
- Astronomer
- Atlantis
- Atomic
- Avalanche
- Beryl
- Beryllium
- Bismuth
- Black Silver
- Blade
- Blaze
- Blazon
- Blizzard
- Bolt
- Bright Storm
- Brilliant
- Bullet
- Bullion
- Burnish
- Cat’s Eye
- Chalice
- Champagne
- Chatoyant
- Cherub
- Chromatic
- Chrome
- Chromium
- Chromogenic
- Coinage
- Cold Iron
- Collector’s Edition
- Comet
- Conductivity
- Constellation
- Cosmos
- Crown
- Cuervo Silver
- Currency
- Danburite
- Dew
- Dewdrop
- Diamond
- Dime
- Disco
- Dove
- Drachma
- Dream
- Droplet
- Dusty
- Electric
- Electrum
- Elixir
- Enamel
- Etch
- Fairy
- Filagree
- Firework
- Foil
- Frosted
- Frosty
- Frozen
- Galaxy
- Galvanize
- Gemstone
- Gilding
- Gin
- Ginjiro
- Glacier
- Glare
- Glassy
- Glaze
- Glimmer
- Glint
- Glisten
- Glitter
- Glitzy
- Glow
- Gossamer
- Graphite
- Grommet
- Gull
- Gunmetal
- Gypsum
- Gypsy
- Halo
- Hazy
- Heavy Metal
- Heliochrome
- Hematite
- Hero
- Hoary
- Hollywood
- Honor
- Howlite
- Ice Cube
- Iceberg
- Iceland
- Icicle
- Icy
- Illumination
- Interstellar
- Iridescent
- Iron
- Iron Fist
- Iron Side
- Labradorite
- Lacag
- Lacy
- Leaden
- Light
- Lightning
- Ligia
- Lithium
- Lodestone
- Lone Star
- Loose Change
- Luminous
- Lunar Glow
- Lunar Landing
- Luster
- Lustrous
- Magic
- Magnesium
- Magnet
- Manganese
- Marcasite
- Margaric
- Maza Blaska
- Medallion
- Metal
- Metallic
- Metallurgic
- Metalwork
- Meteor
- Meteorite
- Milkyway
- Mineral
- Minted
- Mirror
- Molten
- Moonbeam
- Moon Dancer
- Moonglow
- Moon Kissed
- Moonlight
- Moonshine
- Moonstone
- Mosaic
- Morning Dew
- Mystery
- Nacreous
- Nebula
- Nickel
- Nimbus
- Noble
- Nuclear
- Opalescent
- Opulence
- Orb
- Ore
- Oxidized
- Palladium
- Paradise
- Pegasus
- Pewter
- Phantom
- Philosophers’ Stone
- Pixie
- Platinum
- Polar Bear
- Polaris
- Polished
- Polonium
- Precious
- Purity
- Pyrite
- Quarry
- Quartz
- Quartzite
- Quasicrystalline
- Quicksilver
- Quinarius
- Radium
- Raindrop
- Razor
- Reflection
- Resplendent
- Rim
- Roopal
- Sacred
- Satiny
- Scintillating
- Selenium
- Selver
- Sheen
- Sheer
- Shekel
- Shield
- Shilling
- Shimmer
- Shining
- Shiny
- Shrapnel
- Sigil
- Silber
- Silubra
- Silva
- Silver City
- Silver Dollar
- Silver Fox
- Silver Haze
- Silver Ribbon
- Silverback
- Silver Ball
- Silver Bell
- Silver Bough
- Silvereye
- Silverfish
- Silver Lining
- Silver Screen
- Silversmith
- Silverstreak
- Silvery
- Snowbird
- Snowdrift
- Snowflake
- Snowy
- Soulful
- Sparkle
- Sparkling
- Spellbound
- Spider Web
- Spirit
- Sprite
- Splendor
- Spur
- Stainless
- Stannic
- Starburst
- Stardust
- Starry Night
- Steele
- Steeltoe
- Steelwool
- Sterling
- Sterlyn
- Storm
- Strontium
- Swan
- Synthesis
- Tarnish
- Telluride
- Tellurium
- Thirty Pieces
- Thunderstorm
- Tincture
- Tinny
- Tinsel
- Titanium
- Tungsten
- Twinkle
- Uranium
- Werewolf’s Demise
- Wind Song
- Zilver
- Zinc
- Zilpher
- Zircon
- Zirconium
Names For Male Silver Horses
Stallions and geldings with a shimmery coat should have a good, strong name that reflects their masculinity. This will be especially true if they’re particularly strong and swift.
- Anoniel
- Antenor
- Anvil
- Apollo
- Armor
- Arsenal
- Artillery
- Astro
- Barachiel
- Barium
- Baron of Silver
- Barzillay
- Casper
- Denarius
- Devin
- Dewey
- Die Cast
- Eirian
- Eun
- Excalibur
- Fashan
- Ferro
- Ferrous
- Ferruccio
- Flint
- Galahad
- Gallum
- Gandolph
- Gunner
- Gweir
- Hammer
- Hermes
- Hiran
- Hot Rod
- Jack Frost
- Kalso
- King Arthur
- Knight
- Kobold
- Magnus
- Mercury
- Michael
- Miner
- Neptune
- Ouranos
- Picabo
- Prince
- Ramiel
- Ray
- Seker
- Seolfor
- Seraph
- Silverman
- Silverton
- Silvio
- Slate
- Slick
- Slicker
- Smokey
- Spike
- Stud
- Sulvar
- Sunaar
- Sylvester
- Thor
- Trojan
- Troy
- Uriel
- Warlock
- Wizard
- Xango
- Zephyr
- Zeus
- Zilar
- Ziv
Names For Female Silver Horses
A lithe, fancy mare or filly with any amount of silvered gray should have a moniker displaying her beauty. Take your time in scanning through these possible names for female silver horses.
- Alicia
- Andromeda
- Angel
- Antarctica
- Arcene
- Ariana
- Arianell
- Arianrhod
- Arianwen
- Aridai
- Ariene
- Arjean
- Artemis
- Astrid
- Athena
- Aura
- Aurora
- Ballerina
- Cerridwen
- Crystal
- Crystalline
- Diana
- Electra
- Eos
- Esterlina
- Fidda
- Fizza
- Gina
- Guinevere
- Heather
- Hecate
- Hiriwa
- Hopea
- Jennifer
- Jenny
- Jewel
- Jumana
- Kailasa
- Kala Kala
- Kwan-Yin
- Lumina
- Luna
- Metallica
- Misty
- Mother of Pearl
- Naja
- Nasa
- Nuada
- Obscura
- Opal
- Opaline
- Patina
- Pearl
- Pilak
- Plata
- Prata
- Princess
- Queen of Heaven
- Rupa
- Selene
- Seraphina
- Sere
- Sheena
- Sibyl
- Silvia
- Siva
- Snow White
- Sooleawa
- Sophia
- Srebrenka
- Srpahla
- Stella
- Taji
- Tatyana
- Theia
- Tiara
- Trixie
- Vendi
- Yin
- Zephyra
- Zillara
Names Of Famous Silver Horses
If your silver horse has a quality like a movie star, maybe you’ll want a famous silver horse name. The same is true if your horse actually looks like a prolific horse from TV. Although there aren’t many, they are intriguing to consider.
- Bamboo Harvester
- Buckpasser
- Lone Ranger
- Native Dancer
- Pebbles
- Silver
- Silver Charm
- Silver King
- Spectacular Bid
- Star
- Tapwirt
- White Cloud
Horse Name Inspiration
Naming your silver horse can be a fun and fabulous adventure. Of course, you don’t have to pick a name that reflects the adjective of “silver.” If you have trouble coming up with the right name for your silver horse, take it out for a walk or a small hike. See if anything nabs your imagination while out and about.
Also, pay attention to obscure places for inspiration like movies, music, or fictional characters. You could even go to a baby-naming website or a thesaurus for synonyms. Pick several names and see which one the horse best responds to. It will let you know in its way.
Help Choosing The Right Name
Remember that horse names should never be more than 18 characters. This makes training easier and the horse will better understand when you call it. But, if you intend to race or use the horse in competition, you will want to refer to the specific regulations of that organization and follow those naming guidelines.
It’s important to not rush a name and allow yourself and the horse time to get acquainted. Because of their inherent mysteriousness, you want to find nomenclature that will definitively display this quality. Take your time and attempt to select a few names. With a little patience and intuition, a name will come in no time.
If you’re still looking for more inspiration, check out these awesome lists of horse names!