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Finding the perfect name for your horse can be something of a conundrum. There are endless options, which one do you pick?
Sometimes it’s best to go with something from the old west. But, there are some interesting choices in old English and Irish too.
Hopefully, this list will spur on your verve and help you to find a good old horse name. You want it to be an exact and unique portrayal of the horse’s personality, preferences, coat colors, mannerisms, and markings.

Best Old Horse Names
The list of names are famous horses to basic nomenclature; some include ones people used to give to their horses from days long gone.
- Anthem
- Apache
- Arizona
- Arrow
- Artemis
- Bailey
- Bale
- Barrel
- Biscuit
- Blaze
- Boots
- Bourbon
- Brisket
- Bunny
- Cash
- Cherokee
- Colt
- Crown Royal
- Curly
- Dawn
- Dooby
- Dorito
- Double Indemnity
- Doulton
- Draft
- Drago
- Dragonfly
- Dryad
- Duchess
- Duck
- Dudley
- Dulcinea
- Dumplin’
- Duo
- Dutch
- Dynamite jack
- Easy Rider
- Easy Street
- Emerald
- Esteem
- Evening Mist
- Everlast
- Eye of the Storm
- Fidget
- Five Star
- Flamboyant
- Flaming Hearty
- Flash of Light
- Flint
- Fliss
- Flopsy
- Fly Me to the Moon
- Flyer
- Flying Trapeze
- Footsie
- Forever Bliss
- Foxtrot
- Foxy
- Freak
- Freckles
- Freedom
- Friday
- Frilly
- Frisky
- Frolic
- Frosted
- Fudge
- Fuerte
- Gabriel
- Gadget
- Galaxy
- Gemstone
- Genuine
- Giggles
- Gilly
- Glazer
- Graceland
- Grandstand
- Graphite
- Gravy Train
- Gray
- Grazer
- Greased Lightning
- Grits
- Gusto
- Gusty
- Hairy
- Haley’s Comet
- Half Pint
- Happy
- Hawk
- Heart
- Heaven’s Devil
- Hemlock
- Hero
- Hidden Treasure
- Highlight
- Hollywood
- Home Wrecker
- Hoofin It
- Hotshot
- Hurricane
- Hustler
- Justice
- Landon
- Legend
- Limerick
- Micah
- Morgan
- Outlaw
- Paisley
- Pirate
- Pony Express
- Rawhide
- Rebellion
- Rider (or Ryder)
- Roper
- Rummy
- Sir Jumpsalot
- Snake
- Spot
- Stormy
- Sundance
- Sunday
- Zeus
Old Male Horse Names
The monikers you see below are for any male horse. Whether it’s a black stallion, a chestnut gelding, or some other type, see if any of the names are suitable.
- Alfie
- Amos
- Angus
- Apollo
- Argo
- Atlas
- Atticus
- Bailey
- Bandit
- Banjo
- Benjamin
- Billy
- Billy Ray
- Black Beard
- Bobby
- Bogart
- Bramble
- Buck
- Buck
- Buddy
- Bullitt
- Butch
- Buzz
- Cameron
- Canal King
- Captain Canada
- Carter
- Carver
- Castle Rock
- Caviar
- Champion
- Charles
- Charlie
- Charming
- Chester
- Chesterfield
- Christopher
- Cisco
- Clancy
- Clifford
- Clyde
- Cody
- Colonel
- Cowboy
- Czar
- Damien
- Daniel
- Danny
- Darby
- Dexter
- Diego
- Doc
- Duke
- Dylan
- Ed
- Elijah
- Erwin
- Esquivo
- Garrett
- General
- George
- George
- Geronimo
- Grainger
- Gunner
- Gunslinger
- Hank
- Harry
- Harvey
- Henry
- Holden
- Hooper
- Huckleberry
- Humphrey
- Hunter
- Jack
- Jeb
- Jimmy
- Johnny
- Jonny
- Knight
- Lawrence
- Leo
- Lincoln
- Magnus
- Marshall
- Matthew
- Maximus
- Murphy
- Patch
- Peter Pan
- Pious
- Pompeii
- Ranger
- Rhett
- Rick
- Ringo
- Rocket
- Rodeo
- Rolo
- Russell
- Sergeant
- Scout
- Shooter
- Silvester
- Simeon
- Steel
- Strongbow
- Sunny Jim
- Tex
- Thor
- Tucker
- Tulsa
- Venom
- Vince
- Vincent
- Wade
- Wally
- Waylon
- Whiskey
- Wyatt
- Wyld
- Xavier
- Zinc
Old Female Horse Names
When you have a female horse that takes on characteristics of the old west, only a classic horse name will do. In the case your mare or filly displays a spirit of being an old soul, her name should be a mirror of that.
- Abbie
- Amara
- Amber
- Amethyst
- Angelina
- Anita
- Annabelle
- Annie
- Audrey
- Aurora
- Autumn
- Babs
- Beatrix
- Bell of the Ball
- Bella
- Bess
- Betsy
- Bianca
- Black Rose
- Blossom
- Blue Angel
- Bluebell
- Bree
- Briana
- Brooke
- Candy
- Carnation
- Cassandra
- Celeste
- Cera
- Cha Cha
- Charisma
- Charity
- Charlotte
- Chelsea
- Cheyenne
- Chiquita
- Chloe
- Cinderella
- Cindy
- Cinnamon
- Cleo
- Coco
- Constanza
- Cowgirl
- Cristabell
- Crystal
- Daisy
- Darcy
- Dava
- Dee Dee
- Delilah
- Delphine
- Desirae
- Diva
- Dixie
- Dora
- Echo
- Edelweiss
- Edna
- Elita
- Ellie
- Elvira
- Emily
- Emma
- Emmy
- Empress
- Erika
- Etta
- Evita
- Fair Maiden
- Faith
- Fancy
- Felicity
- Fiona
- Flower
- Gabriella
- Gallena
- Gayle
- Gazelle
- Geisha
- Genevieve
- Genie
- Georgia
- Gigi
- Gina
- Ginelle
- Glass Slipper
- Gracie
- Gypsy
- Gypsy Rose
- Jess
- Jolene
- Justice
- Kate
- Kitty
- Lady
- Lillianna
- Loretta
- Luna
- Maybelle
- Penny
- Rose
- Rose of Sharon
- Sadie
- Sally
- Starr
Old Western Horse Names
Quarter horses and race horses do very well with a name straight out of the old west. This could be actual famous people from the Gold Rush or fictional characters.
- Abacus
- Ace of Spades
- Aces High
- Acorn
- Airborne
- Alacazam
- Ally
- Amarillo Rose
- Amazing
- America
- Anchor
- Ancient
- Angel
- Annie Oakley
- Apache Kid
- Apple
- Arkansas Tom
- Babe
- Balderdash
- Bamboozle
- Bandero
- Baron
- Basil
- Bell
- Bella Baby
- Big Nose Kate
- Bill Doolin
- Billy the Kid
- Bitter Creek
- Black Bart
- Blaze Carson
- Bluegrass
- Bogie
- Bonnie
- Boomer
- Brave
- Breeze
- Broken Doll: 1910 Western
- Bronco
- Bruiser
- Buck Garrett
- Buck Taylor
- Bueno
- Bumbles
- Bumpkin
- Butch Cassidy
- Butterball
- Buttercup
- Butterfly
- Buttermilk
- Cactus
- Cadence
- Calamity Jane
- Calico
- Cameo
- Candlelight
- Cannon
- Caol
- Capricorn
- Carry Nation
- Casanova
- Caspian
- Cattle Kate Watson
- Caviar
- Celandine
- Champagne
- Chance
- Chaos
- Chap
- Cherish
- Cherokee Bill
- Cherokee Charlie
- Chess
- Chief
- Cisco Kid
- Classy Dancer
- Clever Trick
- Clover
- Clyde
- Cobweb
- Cochise
- Coconut
- Commander
- Copper
- Cosmo
- Cougar
- Crazy
- Creole
- Crossroad
- Cuervo
- Cupid
- Deadwood Dick
- Deuce
- Doc Holliday
- Dollar
- Dream
- Durango
- El Dorado
- Eureka
- Feller
- Flat Nose
- Gold Rush
- Goldie
- Gunslinger
- Howdy Doody
- Iron Eyes Cody
- Jesse James
- Jewel
- Kid Cassidy
- Lawless
- Lillie Langtry
- Little Beavers
- Maverick
- Mesquite
- Mischief
- Montana
- Odyssey
- Old Blue
- Old Thunder
- Outlaw Kid
- Pally
- Partner
- Pawnee Bill
- Pearl Heart
- Poco
- Ponca
- Raider
- Ranger
- Rawhide Kid
- Red Ryder
- Richard Bullock
- Ringo Kid
- Rodeo
- Sam Bass
- Samuel Colt
- Santa Fe
- Sawdust
- Scamp
- Scar
- Scuds
- Shanty
- Sheriff
- Shooter
- Shotgun
- Silver
- Silver Bullet
- Silver Cloud
- Skedaddle
- Sunfish
- Taco
- Tequila
- Tex Morgan
- Texas Kid
- The Apache Kid
- The Durango Kid
- The Squaw Kid
- The Tall Texan
- The Wyoming Kid
- Thunderhead
- Tonka
- Topper
- Trigger
- Tulsa Jack
- Tumbleweed
- Two-Gun Kid
- Western Kid
- Whoa
- Will Rogers
- Yeehaw
- Yukon
Cool Old West Horse Names
If you’re a real horse lover, you’ll appreciate the monikers detailed in this special list. Even if you don’t choose a horse name from here, they are the coolest of the cool and certain to put a smile on your face.
- Adios
- Aphrodite
- Archer
- Arion
- Athena
- Balius
- Bella Starr
- Binky
- Black Jack
- Blue Boy
- Blueskin
- Boxer
- Buckpasser
- Burmese
- Cadoc
- Captain
- Chica
- Cigarette
- Cloud
- Clover
- Curlin
- Czarina
- D’Angelo
- Dagobaz
- Damsel
- Daniel Boone
- Dante
- Daredevil
- Dawn Run
- Deadwood
- Deputy
- Desert Sand
- Destiny
- Devious
- Dewdrop
- Diablo
- Diabolo
- Dixie Land Delight
- Don Juan de Onate
- Doncaster
- Double Trouble
- Dover
- Dream Weaver
- Dreams of Silver
- Driftwood
- Dynamite
- Eclipse
- Enchantress
- Equinox
- Exterminator
- Firefoot
- Flame
- Frankel
- Freya
- Fru-Fru: featured in Leo Tolstoy’s ‘Anna Karenina’
- Fury
- Galiban
- Galileo
- Gemma
- Ginger
- Greatheart
- Gringolet
- Gunpowder
- Hwin
- Incitatus: horse of Emperor Caligula
- Joey
- Khartoum
- Lark
- Lightfoot
- Magua
- Maximus
- Merrylegs
- Mollie
- Moonlight
- My Little Pony
- Nara
- Nelson
- Oberon
- Palomino
- Peach Blossom
- Pepper
- Phillip
- Pied Piper
- Pilgrim
- Popcorn Delights
- Reckless
- Rival
- Sampson
- Secret
- Sham
- Silver
- Smiley
- Spirit
- Sundance Kid
- Sunfire
- Sylvester
- Tempest
- The Bronze Buckaroo
- The Lone Rider
- The Phantom
- Topthorn
- Trojan
- Trotsky
- Warrior
- Whirlwind
Old Fashioned Horse Names
If you’re one of those who love the traditional days of yesteryear, perhaps one of these names will fit your horse. But, allow the mane and tail of your equine pal to be a major influence.
- April
- Ara
- Ash
- Bard
- Barnaby
- Beau
- Beauty
- Beethoven
- Bell
- Bolt
- Bonnie
- Boots
- Buster
- Buttons
- Cash
- Challenger
- Champ
- Chief
- Chopin
- Churchill
- Clyde
- Cookie
- Cowgirl
- Da Vinci
- Dallas
- Dancer
- Dazzle
- Debutante
- December
- Dickinson
- Dolly
- Duchess
- Dusty
- Elaine
- Esther
- Evelyn
- Fancy
- Flame
- Flicka
- Flopsy
- Fortunate
- Genie
- Goliath
- Grace
- Gwendolyn
- Henrietta
- Hera
- Hetty
- Holly
- Honey
- Isabella
- Ivy
- Jackson
- Jasper
- Jet
- Jigsaw
- Juliet
- Lacey
- Little Joe
- London
- Lucky
- Lupin
- Lyla
- Major
- Mario
- Marquis
- Max
- Maya
- Mia
- Mika
- Millie
- Misty
- Mona
- Monty
- Moonshine
- Mozart
- Napoleon
- Nellie
- Nevaeh
- Newton
- Nina
- Oakley
- Olaf
- Peanut
- Pepper
- Pharaoh
- Pip
- Pirate
- Plum
- Popcorn
- Poppy
- Queen
- Rembrandt
- Rio
- Rocky
- Rowan
- Ruby
- Sapphire
- Sasha
- Scout
- Seashell
- Shelly
- Shimmer
- Sienna
- Sioux
- Snowball
- Sweet pea
- Tigger
- Tilly
- Traveler
- Trigger
- Universe
- Vanderbilt
- Versailles
- Victoria
- Victory
- Wildflower
Old English Horse Names
Horses with ancestry from the British Isles should have an old English name to indicate their spirit, energy, and attitude. Refer to an old English dictionary if you don’t like any of the ones here.
- Ábrecan: break or vanquish; take by storm
- Ágeolwan: to become yellow or to make glitter like gold
- Beowulf: warrior from the classic tale
- Biorn: warrior or soldier
- Blican: glitter or dazzle
- Blonca: white or gray horse
- Cempestre: female warrior
- Crypel: crippled horse
- Cylew: spotted or speckled
- Cyrtenes: elegance or beauty
- Dawn: morning
- Dinne: tempest
- Dústswearm: dust cloud
- Eoh: horse
- Fealu: yellow, dusky or gray
- Freca: warrior hero
- Gawain: knight at King Arthur’s Round Table
- Gebleod: beauty with variegated colors
- Gelew: yellow bay
- Genip: mist or obscurity; storm cloud
- Geolo: yellow
- Geoluread: yellow-red or orange
- Gesplottod: spotted
- Glæm: glamour
- Gunnian: horse’s neigh
- Gwenyfar or Gwenivere: King Arthur’s wife
- Hearding: brave man; hero or warrior
- Hengst: stallion or gelding
- Herewosa: one who is fierce in fighting
- Herewulf: warrior
- Hiwness: beauty or fairness
- Hnægan: neighs happily
- Hors: horse
- Hwisprian: whisper
- Igraine: King Arthur’s mother
- Llamrei: famous horse of King Arthur
- Mearh: mare or horse
- Morgaine: King Arthur’s sister
- Oferweder: storm tempest
- Ofost: haste
- Onrid: riding horse
- Rádhors: riding horse with a saddle
- Reod: red
- Rún: whisper
- Sceám: white horse
- Sciéno: elfin beauty
- Scilfor: yellow golden glittering
- Scur: shower; as in rain, snow or hail
- Sigeróf: victorious
- Sir Lancelot: knight at King Arthur’s Round Table
- Snúd: swiftness
- Specfall: full of spots
- Spéd: speed in prosperity
- Spircan: sparkle
- Stéda: stud horse
- Storm: storm
- Stott: inferior horse
- Strácian: wild horse
- Styrman: stormy
- Swancor: slender and trim horse
- Týtan: sparkle shine
- Unweder: bad weather
- Uther Pendragon: King Arthur’s father
- Weder: weather
- Wederwolcen: cloud
- Windhreose: wind storm
- Windræs: wind storm
- Wóda: storm flood or danger
Old Irish Horse Names
Having a horse called by an Old Irish word could be great for a bay gelding that has a fairy-like, mysterious quality. Perhaps your horse has unusual markings, special horse click of the hooves, or projects a sort of other-worldliness.
Read an old Irish pronunciation guide to ensure you say the word right.
- Áilleacht: beauty
- Aingeal: angel
- Aoibhinn: glorious; beautiful
- Báirseach: an intimidating woman referred to as a dragon
- Ballach: spotted
- Banríon Sí: fairy queen
- Bean Sí: banshee
- Beithíoch: horse
- Bogha Báistí: rainbow
- Breac: spotted
- Breáthacht: beautiful landscape
- Bua: victory
- Buí: yellow
- Calma: brave
- Capall: horse
- Carbad: chariot
- Ceol Sí: fairy music
- Cladhartha: cowardly
- Cróga: brave
- Dearg: red
- Deatach: smoke
- Dílseacht: loyalty
- Donn: brown haired
- Dragan: dragon
- Draíocht: mysterious power
- Each: horse
- Fiaphoc: male deer
- Galánta: glorious; beautiful
- Gliondar: delight
- Glórmhar: glorious; illustrious
- Litir Ghrá: love letter
- Luas: speed
- Lúcháir: delight
- Maise: beauty
- Meata: coward
- Misniúil: brave
- Oirirc: glorious; illustrious
- Raicleach: an intimidating woman referred to as a dragon
- Réimse Fairsing: wide range of colors, rainbow-like
- Ríméad: delight
- Rua: red haired
- Scamall Báistí: rain cloud
- Scéimh: beauty
- Scread Chráite: banshee wail
- Seansaighdiúir: warhorse
- Searrach: foal
- Sióg: fairy
- Smálaithe: spotted, as in stained
- Stoirm: storm
- Tintreach: lightning, electricity
- Toirneach: thunder
- Toit: smoke
- Tormáil: rumbling noise (female)
- Tormán: rumbling noise (male)
- Tuar Ceatha: rainbow
Horse Name Inspiration
When hunting a name possessing an old-time quality, there are many sources to glean inspiration. If you’re an old west history buff, there’s a plentitude of resources you can read to refresh your knowledge. Or, in the case you adore old western movies, peruse IMDB to review some classic characters.
Also, if the old English or Irish names are too difficult to say, you could refer to the movie, “Lord of the Rings.” Not only will you get a little help with pronunciation, but you may find one of the characters a perfect match.
Help Choosing The Right Name
Allow the horse to become part of the process. Let its personality clue you in. As a tip, your black horse or dark brown horse doesn’t have to indicate the color directly. As an example, you could call your black stallion, “Gunpowder.” This signifies his color but also portrays a subtle element of an explosive and strong personality.
No matter what name you decide for your equine buddy, you want to ensure it responds to it well. So, select a few names you think suit the character of your horse. Say each one a few times and observe the horse’s reaction. If nothing seems to stick, keep trying until you find the perfect one.
If you’re still looking for more inspiration, check out these awesome lists of horse names!