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Black and white horses are some of the coolest looking equines in the world. Their markings can vary greatly and sometimes, they look like a work of art. So, you want their name to reflect the essence of their appearance.
Take a gander through this list of black and white horse names fit for a variety of black and white steeds. In the event you don’t find any of these suitable, perhaps they will spur you to create one.

Best Names For Black And White Horses
If you have one of the few horse breeds that have a black-and-white coat color, the list below gives some of the best names.
- Ace of Spades
- Ancient Writing
- Ash
- Banker
- Bicolor
- Black Beauty
- Black Diamond
- Black Rose
- Black Sabbath
- Blackberry
- Blakeney
- Bleached
- Blotch
- Brindle
- Camo
- Chessboard
- Chevron
- Comet
- Dalmatian
- Dapple
- Dark Winter
- Domino
- Dual
- Dublin
- Duo
- Duochrome
- Eight Ball
- Flecked
- Frappe
- Frosty
- Gemini
- Gingham
- Gunpowder
- Halloween
- Harlequin
- Holstein
- Hot Chocolate
- Iniquitous
- Inkblot
- Jekyll n’ Hyde
- Jigsaw
- Jinx
- Kaleidoscope
- Keys
- Kumba
- Legend
- Lightless
- Lucky
- Lunar Eclipse
- Maestro
- Merle
- Midnight Sun
- Mingle
- Miscellaneous
- Moldy
- Moonlight Sonata
- Morose
- Mosaic
- Motley
- Nefarious
- Night and Day
- Night Invader
- Painter
- Paramount
- Picasso
- Piebald
- Pointillism
- Polychromatic
- Prismatic
- Prison Stripes
- Psychedelic
- Quill
- Racer
- Rebel
- Retro
- Skunk
- Speckles
- Splotch
- Spooky
- Spot
- Sprinkles
- Stamp
- Striper
- Stroke
- Tapir
- Tarnished
- Tiger
- Trace
- Trojan
- Valais
- Villain
- Voodoo
- Yin Yang
- Zen
- ZigZag
Names For Black And White Fillies And Mares
When you have female horses with black and white coloring and/or markings, having the name reflecting it will be best.
- Arianrhod
- Ashley
- Astrid
- Aurora
- Baba Yaga
- Babs
- Bailey
- Banshee
- Bessie
- Black Dahlia
- Black Orchid
- Black Queen in Winter
- Black Widow
- Blanched
- Blotchy
- Blurry
- Braith
- Bree
- Callie
- Cassie
- Ceara
- Chanel
- Ciara
- Circe
- Claire
- Claudine
- Cloudy
- Clover
- Dark Daisy
- Devaki
- Dotty
- Ebony
- Etiolate
- Evie
- Flash
- Franny
- Gloomy
- Hellebore
- Imogen
- Keira
- Kira
- Kulya
- Kyrah
- Lady Luck
- Laith Macha
- Layla
- Lilith
- Liv
- Lucy
- Luna
- Medea
- Melaina
- Melanie
- Melinda
- Montsho
- Mora
- Morgan le Fay
- Morgana
- Morrigan
- Mystique
- Nigella
- Nymph
- Nyx
- Odessa
- Olive
- Pebbles
- Peppermint Patty
- Piper
- Queen Medb
- Queen of the Night
- Queenie
- Rhiannon
- Rune
- Sadie
- Sauda
- Shadow Princess
- Starry
- Willa
- Witchy
Names For Black And White Stallions And Geldings
Black stallions with white markings should have nomenclature to reflect their beauty. Ruminate over this specially curated list of names for white and black male horses.
- Arabian Knight
- Arion
- Arkel
- Arrow
- Asit
- Axle
- Black
- Blackjack
- Blacksmith
- Blaec
- Bodhi
- Bone
- Boulder
- Boxer
- Buddy
- Buster
- Butler
- Captain
- Catahecassa
- Centurion
- Charlie
- Checkers
- Chester
- Ciar
- Ciaran
- Cliff
- Constable
- Corryn
- Deputy
- Diesel
- Dooly
- Douglas
- Dwayne
- Elvis
- Fabian
- Faded
- Felix
- Flatfoot
- Freemason
- Goliath
- Grizzly
- Groucho
- Gunner
- Hades
- Harley
- Hue
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jasper
- Jeeves
- Jett
- Joey
- Kairu
- Kangee
- Kishan
- Kistna
- Melanion
- Monk
- Montenegro
- Mounty
- Nigel
- Oswald
- Pepper Saltzman
- Rocky
- Sergeant
- Sheriff
- Siyavash
- Smith
- Streaker
- Sylvester
- Tascalusa
- Temujin
- Tuxedo
- Warrior
Cute Names For Black And White Horses
If you have a super adorable horse, you want a moniker that denotes its black coat with white markings and cuteness.
- Ace of Clubs
- Airbrush
- Bangs
- Black Magic
- Blackened
- Boomerang
- Boots
- Bowtie
- Bumblebee
- Cappuchino
- Chaos
- Charcoal
- Chat Noir
- Checkers
- Chess Piece
- Chocolate Chip
- Coal
- Cookie
- Cookies n’Cream
- Crazy Horse
- Cream in My Coffee
- Cupcake
- Dark to Light
- Dimmer
- Donaver
- Dot
- Dusky
- Dusty
- Fabre
- Fairy
- Foggy
- Iced Mocha
- Imprint
- Inali
- Ink Spot
- Joker
- Jumpsuit
- Labyrinth
- Latte
- Lemur
- Lithograph
- Magnet
- Magpie
- Maze
- Midnight Sparkle
- Mittens
- Musical Notes
- Obfuscate
- Obtuse
- Oreo
- Osprey
- Patches
- Peppercorn
- Peroxide
- Pitch
- Pixie
- Pixie Dust
- Pretty Pony
- Puzzle
- Pylon
- Salt and Pepper
- Sceptre
- Scorecard
- Script
- Sixsipita
- Skeptic
- Sketch
- Sloe
- Smoky
- Snowflake Obsidian
- Socks
- Space Cadet
- Spectre
- Stain
- Stocking
- Stormy
- Sundae
- Typeface
- Wash Out
- Wasp
- Wicked

Cool Names For Black And White Horses
Let’s say your white horse with black spots has a personality that shines brilliantly. Therefore, you should choose a name that encompasses both its color and its demeanor.
- Adumbrate
- Almond Joy
- Angel’s Share
- Atramentous
- Autograph
- Barcode
- Bear
- Black Russian
- Black Winter
- Blackboard Chalk
- Bleary
- Caviar
- Chess
- Cloudy
- Devil’s Cut
- Dice
- Dracula
- Dubh Sainglend
- Ebonized Ivory
- Echo
- Engraving
- Fevre
- Negative
- Ghost Rider
- Goblin
- Grayscale
- Gypsy
- Half Moon
- Hypnotic
- Inklike
- Inky
- Inscription
- Junior Mint
- Keyboard
- Krishna
- Libro
- Little Black Book
- Magazine
- Magic
- Magician
- Magpie
- Marble
- Maverick
- Merle
- Milk and Cookies
- Misty Shadow
- Moo Cow
- Moonlit Silhouette
- Morvarc’h, Malgven
- Mourning
- Negative Space
- Newsprint
- Newsworthy
- Nitro
- Obliteration
- Obscure
- Obsidian
- Ominous
- Onyx
- Overshadow
- Photo
- Printer Ink
- Raven
- Sable
- Shroud
- Signature
- Sith
- Skeletonize (Skeleton Eyes)
- Solar Eclipse
- Somber
- Stygian
- Swirl
- Toasted Oats
- Typewriter
- Underline
- Unlit
- Vagary
- Veil
Unique Names For Black And White Horses
Perhaps your dark horse has features and markings that are unusual in some way. Browse these unique names for black and white horses; maybe one of these will be the right match.
- Badger
- Black Cherry
- Black Ice
- Black Pearl
- Black Sainglenn
- Blackwell
- Block Out
- Blot
- Checky
- Chocolate Milk
- Copy n Print
- Delineate
- Depiction
- Diablo
- Doodle
- Draft
- Eclipse
- Equinox
- Fabron
- Galaxy
- Go (board game with black and white stone pieces)
- Grand Piano
- Graphene Oxide
- Graphite
- Hobgoblin
- Illustration
- Keir
- Klondike
- Masonic Temple
- Metallica
- Mildew
- Newspaper
- Oil Slick
- Orca
- Panda
- Patchwork
- Pen ; Ink
- Penguin
- Pinstripe
- Pirate
- Plaid
- Portrayal
- Quilted
- Raccoon
- Ripple
- Root Beer Float
- Rorschach
- Shamu
- Skeleton
- Smudge
- Snake Eyes
- Socks
- Spotted
- Storm Cloud
- Storm Trooper
- Sushi
- Syllable
- Tourmaline
- Variegated
- Vignette
- Welchi
- Zebra
- Zoot Suit
Famous Names For Black And White Horses
Using a name from a famous horse might be best for your equine friend.
The list below contains previous famous horses that were black and white along with other popular concepts in modern culture.
There are even famous fictional characters from cartoons and gods from ancient cultures.
- Aether (ancient Greek primordial god of the ethereal)
- Alastor (ancient Greek horse of Hades, god of the underworld)
- Ankou (ancient Celtic spirit who collects souls of the dead)
- Ansel Adams (famous photographer known for his black-and-whites)
- Arion (mythological horse from Greek mythology)
- Betty Boop (1930s cartoon character)
- Blackfoot (Native American tribe)
- Bucephalus (the steed of Alexander the Great)
- Charlie Chaplain (famous black ; white film star)
- Chilly Willy (famous cartoon penguin)
- Crossword (like the ones found in the newspaper)
- Cruella (villain from Disney’s 101 Dalmatians)
- Cú Chulainn (ancient Celtic hero famed for his taming of horses)
- Embarr (mythical horse from ancient Celtic culture)
- Epona (Roman-Celtic horse goddess)
- Erebus (ancient Greek primordial god of darkness)
- Figaro (from Pinocchio by Disney)
- Goofy (from Disney’s Mickey Mouse; he has a black body with white hands)
- Kelpie (Celtic mythical horse of the fairy realm)
- Minnie (from Disney’s Mickey Mouse)
- Nemesis (ancient Greek goddess of retribution)
- Othello (from Shakespeare)
- Pepe Le Pew (skunk from Looney Toons)
- Pingu (A famous animated penguin who is always up to mischief)
- Pongo (character from Disney’s 101 Dalmatians)
- Pooka (ancient Celtic goblin horse)
- Puffin (an Arctic seabird)
- Salt N’ Peppa (rap duet from the 1980s)
- Selkie (Celtic and Nordic mythical horse of the fairy realm)
- Sleipnir (ancient Nordic horse with eight legs)
- Snoopy (Charlie Brown’s dog)
- Svadilfari (ancient horse from Norse mythology)
- Thanatos (primordial Greek god of Death)
- Zorilla (African skunk-like animal)
Black And White Show Horse Names
If you’re planning on putting your horse in a show or the races, you want a fun and memorable name that reflects its black and white coat.
Of course, you’ll have to follow the guidelines of whichever organization you’re going to put the horse in, but perhaps these names will get your wheels rolling.
- As Above, So Below
- Black Quartz Crystal
- Burned on One Side
- Burnt Toast
- Cat Scratch Fever
- Classic Cup O’ Joe
- Dot Spot
- Dotty Love
- Dotty Tuxedo
- El Dia de las Muertes
- Freckles Boy
- Freckles Show
- In the Black Bank Deposit
- Lacey Tuxedo
- Lucky Strike
- Mask of Zorro
- Midnight Lightning
- Old Prison Uniform
- Oreo Dream
- Oreo Eater
- Oreo Moj
- Paler Shade of Black
- Past Tuxedo
- River Styx
- Sea the Stars
- Sign on the Dotted Line
- Sir Mounts a Lot
- White Nightmare
- White Thunder
- Whiter Shade of Pale
- X Marks the Spot
- Yummy Life
- Zorro
- Zorro Point
Horse Name Inspiration
In the case you don’t like any of the names listed here, there are a few things you can do to get some inspiration.
Look up famous black horses from history, mythology, or some other fictional character from cartoons.
Take your horse out for a walk among nature and see if anything pops out at you. Maybe your horse will interact with something that will give you an indication of how you should name it.
If all else fails why not try an online horse name generator like this one? This is another great way for pet lovers and owners to seek inspiration for their new horse’s name.
Help Choosing The Right Name
Even if your horse is so dark brown it’s almost black with white markings, choosing the perfect name can be challenging.
When you’re having difficulty discovering the right moniker for your horse, take your time and observe your horse; the name will come eventually.
Try out a few different names to see which one the horse best responds to. Neighs, whinnies, and hoof stomping will clue you in to how the horse feels about what you’re calling it.
Let the hunt for a name for your black and white horse be a fun and enlightening process. But, your horse should be the final decision maker in the name you give. There are so many possibilities and options, just be patient and the name will come soon.
If you’re still looking for more inspiration, check out these awesome lists of horse names!