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Palomino ponies’ have magnetism, excellence, and appeal, so no old name will do the trick. Be that as it may, finding the ideal palomino horse name is testing since they need to approach the pony’s star power. They merit a thoroughly examined and fantastic name.
Palomino horses were made famous by Mr. Roy Rogers. Palomino horse names can be quite challenging.
Here is a list to help you name your Palomino colored horse.
Let’s dive in.

Horse Names For Palomino Mares
This list contains 100 palomino horse names for your mare. These are merely suggestions so that imagination can take over.
There are a few gender-neutral names added, as in this day and age the lines are quite blurred. Name of actresses who have blonde hair can also be used, as well as names from nature.
Let these names inspire you!
- Abby
- Amber
- Amidala
- Argus
- Athena
- Aurora
- Bambi
- Barbie
- Beau
- Bee’s Knees
- Beige
- Bella
- Bubbles
- Bud
- Buddy
- Butter But
- Butter Nut
- Butterscotch
- Butterball
- Buttercup
- Candy
- Cappuccino
- Cheese Ball
- Cinderella
- Cinnamon
- Cloud
- Copper
- Cream
- Daenerys
- Daffodil (Daffy)
- Dapple Dan
- Dolly
- Dorado
- Doris day
- Dove
- Duchess
- Dusty
- Fairfax
- Flame
- Fluke
- Ginny
- Golden Rod (Pefect for a golden palomino!)
- Goldie Hawn
- Grace Kelly
- Gracy
- Hermonie
- Jean Harlow
- Jennifer Lawrence
- Jubilee
- Kate moss
- Kay moss
- Lana Turner
- Latte
- Lucie
- Luna
- Mable
- Mae west
- Maizey
- Malibu
- Marie Josephine
- Marigold
- Marilyn Monroe
- Mellow yellow
- Millie
- Moondust
- Mother Lode
- Mrs. Butterworth
- Mrs. Butterworth
- Nellie
- Orelia (means Golden)
- Oriana
- Padme
- Peaches
- Phoebe
- Pilgrim
- Powder
- Princess Diana
- Rey Skywalker
- Rita Hayworth
- Ruby
- Rusty
- Sandy
- Shimmer
- Smiley
- Spot
- Straw Berry
- Sunburst
- Sundance
- Sunny
- Tabitha
- Tattooine
- Toffee
- Vanilla
- Wildflower
- Xanthe
- Zehavi (means gold/golden)
- Zenobia
- Zlatan
See more beautiful female horse names here.
Horse Names For Palomino Stallions
Stallions can be beautiful and magnificent creatures. This list will help you choose a name for your Palomina Stallion, a name that is worthy of him. The list includes names from characters from Lord of the Rings, Famous actors, and just plain ol’ funny, unique names.
You can even name the stallions a gender-neutral name. A name that will make you feel more comfortable around, cause let’s face it, the stallion doesn’t care.
- Aaron Carter
- Aspen
- Barley
- Bawlin
- Beach
- Big Bird
- Bilbo
- Blanca
- Bofur
- Bojack
- Bombur
- Brad Pitt
- Bret Michaels
- Bumble Bee
- Buttercup
- Caramel
- Castello
- Chad Faust
- Chad Michael Murray
- Chase
- Cinamon
- Corleone
- Corn Pop
- Crimson
- David Beckham
- Dixton
- Dwalin
- Elrond
- Fili
- Frodo
- Gimli
- Ginger
- Gizmo
- Gold boy
- Goldfish
- Goldie
- Heath Ledger
- Hemsworth (Chris or Liam)
- Jaime
- Joffrey
- Jon Bon Jovi
- Jorah
- Josh Holloway
- Jude
- Justin Hartley
- Ken
- Khartoum
- Kiefer Sutherland
- Kili
- Lannister
- Legolas
- Lion
- Logan
- Loras
- Marigold
- Marley
- Matt Damon
- Milan
- Mithrandir
- Mowgli
- Mr. Buttersworth
- Mustard
- Nacho
- Nick Carter
- Nugget
- Nugget
- Oriana
- Oscar
- Owen Wilson
- Pac Man
- Patrick
- Popcorn
- Pumpkin
- Reassure
- Rigby
- Rogue
- Rose
- Rusty
- Ryan Gosling
- Samwise Gamgee
- Shere Khan
- Sherlock
- Sonny
- Sponge Bob
- Summer
- Sunny
- Silver Bullet
- Sunny Delight (Sunny D)
- Tigger
- Tommen
- Treasure
- Trump
- Tweety
- Twinkie
- Viserys
- Watson
- Woody
- Xylem
- Yellow
- Zone
See more amazing male horse names here.
Good Names For Palomino Horses
This is a list of some good, common names that people usually name their Palominas. Some of them may be repeated, but rest assured, they will work just as well. The theme is almost always the color of this beautiful creature.
- Ochre
- Olympian
- Peanut
- Yellow
- Lannister
- Lion
- Logan
- Loras
- Mustard
- Wrangle
- Levi
- Trigger
- Oakley
- Billy
- Rio
- Dale
- Duke
- Cash
- Ozzy
- Blondie
- Brienne
- Butter
- Buttercream (A great choice for your cream colored horse)
- Buttercup
- Butterscotch
- Daenerys
- Dolly
- Dusty
- Flame
- Goldie
- Goldie Locks
- Honey
- Malibu
- Marigold
Famous Palomino Horse Names
There have been many famous Palomino horses and their names are still fondly remembered. Palominos are famous for their sparkly splendid golden coats, strength, speed, and insight. These attributes made them the supported horse of Kings, sovereigns, crusaders, and Native Americans.
- Trigger – He was a well known Palomino horse who showed up in various American movies. The rancher Roy Rogers rode Trigger, and the couple turned out to be exceptionally well known in the West.
- Golden Cloud – The real name of Trigger
- Mister Ed – the lead in a 60s TV show, who was a talking horse
- Old Fred – The stud who is responsible for the foundation of the American Quarter Breed
- Argo – From the TV show Xena: The Warrior Princess
- Bowie – Inspired by David Bowie
- Albus
- Cleopatra
- Julius Caeser
- Finnegan
Show Names For Palomino Horses
When showing our Palomino horse, a name is typically picked that is longer and, generally, more exquisite. Your show name need not be the same as your registered name or barn name.
This list will give you ideas for palomino horses if you intend to show them.
- Buckweiser
- Colonial Dream
- Daddy’s Little Girl
- Devil’s Ace
- Early to the Prize
- Easy Street
- Echo Locater
- Finish in Blue
- Fire N Ice
- Harvest the Dawn
- Queen of Hearts
- Raise the Bar
- Yellow Brick Road
- Zippin Around Town
- Unique Masterpiece
- Unlimited Adventures
- Starship Enterprise
- Strawberry Fields
- Saratoga Sweetheart
- Really A Dream
- Solo, Han Solo
- Taste the Rainbow

Horse Name Inspiration
The name of horses can come from anywhere. The best sources are popular fiction, history, books, movies. Fantasy can also provide wonderful insight and giving you a name for your horse that will suit it from mane to tail.
There is no telling when and where inspiration can strike. Books such as Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Chronicles of Narnia are treasure chests waiting to be explored.
Other places to explore are your favorite close friends, family, celebrities, or even Disney characters as a few more ideas.
Helping You Choose The Right Name
Palomino ponies have two shading quality blends in their jacket. A genuine palomino pony ought to have these two tones in his jacket. Naming your palomino horse is simple as various shades in tones bring novel thoughts. Chestnut names are additionally ideal for your pony. Different shades like taking a gander at red or white pony names can be acceptable decisions.
There are around 250 names on this list, a huge space for you to experiment with and find a name that will suit your Palomino. Play around with various names and look past your horse’s coat color, white mane, and tail and into its soul.
Its personality should be the biggest inspiration. There are no rules! Trail riding can help and nature herself will inspire you.
If you’re still looking for more inspiration, check out these awesome lists of horse names!