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The mustang breed descends from horses brought to America 300 years ago by the Spanish conquistadors. As time progressed, the mustang populations began to decline, and in the 20th century, the government introduced the Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 to protect the remaining population.
Despite efforts to protect their dwindling numbers, the wild mustang population now stands at just 33,000 individuals.

So, how do you pick mustang horse names when you are naming such a truly special creature?
We have got some suggestions!
Male Mustang Horse Names
Male mustangs are often named after their wild streak and impressive muscular build. If your mustang has a wild streak and likes to push the limits, some of these names would be a perfect choice!
- Outlaw
- Fury
- Mischief
- Camino
- Scout
- Maverick
- Domingo
- Blaze
- Mercury
- Sabre
- Cash
- Dante
- Poncho
- Adagio
- Rocky
- Chief
- Legend
- Atreyu
- Duke
- King
- Flash
- Harley
- Indy
- Acadia
- Blitz
- Brooklyn
- Sloane
- Timber
- Bronson
- Brutus
- Roman
- Bruin
- Odin
- Beretta
- Ranger
- Wesson
- Breaker
- Hercules
- Kevlar
- Renegade
- Storm
- Tala
- Vigga
- Ghost
- Ares
Female Mustang Horse Names
Female mustangs are regularly given “gentle” names that seem to reflect their family-centric nature. Occasionally, though, a name with a little boldness gets into the list, we put together a nice mix of the two!
- Banshee
- Hera
- Juno
- Mercy
- Tempest
- Artemis
- Sally
- Luana
- Roxie
- Gypsy
- Cora
- Wonder
- Gabi
- Katana
- Dancer
- Cherry
- Calypso
- Sasha
- Autumn
- Charm
- Maggie
- Godiva
- Buffy
- Hilda
- Dolly
- Kimber
- Jasmine
- Peaches
- Nikita
- Brandy
- Molly
- Aiko
- Skylar
- Cricket
- Pumpkin
- Fancy
- Fresca
- Flicka
- Frida
- Soleil
- Sheba
- Honey
- Mariposa
- Zephyr
- Nutmeg
Famous Mustang Horse Names
Consider naming your mustang after a famous mustang of the past. If your mustang shows traits that are reminiscent of a well-known character like Hidalgo, consider naming them after their look-a-like.
- Misty
- Moon
- Traveler
- Hidalgo
- Royal
- Chief
- Kayah
- Cobra
- Dream
- Geronimo
- Blue
- Spirit
- Dakota
- Brego
- Hwin
- Call
- Van Gogh
- Diamond
- Bullet
- Picasso
- Fledge
- Jagger
- Sage
- Goose
- Diego
- Rogue
- Avalanche
- Priscilla
- Shadow
- Dinero
- Lady
- Leela
- Corrigan
- Cinch
- Bentley
- Vegas
- Silveretta
- Maverick
- Kansas
- Hondo
- Relay
- Maypop
- Jax
- Jasmine
- Floyd
Cool Mustang Horse Names
If your mustang is a James Dean of mustangs, you might want to consider a name from the cool mustang horse name list below!!
- Star
- Sugar
- Toffee
- Willow
- Adobe
- September
- Texas
- Ozzy
- Layla
- Lightning
- Star
- Midnight
- Santiago
- Marquis
- Rocket
- Boston
- Levi
- Rico
- Cherokee
- Mercury
- Dreamer
- Red
- Majestic
- Navajo
- Komachi
- Miracle
- Red
- Hawk
- Vancouver
- Kestral
- Carolina
- Shiloh
- Hamlet
- Jazz
- Cyclone
- Fuego
- Charger
- Concorde
- Montana
- Domino
- Flint
- Smokey
- Rembrandt
- Sunny
- Rusty
Names For Black Mustang Horses
Forget the boring overused names for your black mustang, consider one of these names that are a little less over-used.
- Ace
- Pepsi
- Beauty
- Zorro
- Pearl
- Drogon
- Obsidian
- Panda
- Sabbath
- Carbon
- Spaces
- Dahlia
- Midnight
- Arana
- Graphite
- Cosmo
- Nori
- Ruger
- Spook
- Cola
- Berry
- Hawk
- Bagheera
- Ember
- Jinx
- Magpie
- Ashes
- Omen
- Pirata
- Noir
- Moon
- Jett
- Rasputin
- Kahn
- Sorcerer
- Drogo
- Pepper
- Juliet
- Condor
- Achilles
- Bandit
- Nova
- Eclipse
- Jorah
- Cinder
Names For White Mustang Horses
If you want a name that reflects your mustang’s beautiful white coat, but you want to avoid names like “Snowflake,” consider these options instead!
- Alaska
- Dazzle
- Coconut
- Magnolia
- Cashmere
- Avalanche
- Lace
- Lily
- Blizzard
- Hope
- Alpine
- Cotton
- Aspen
- Polo
- Opal
- Glory
- Halo
- Orchid
- Frost
- Aria
- Lotus
- Astor
- Dove
- Samson
- Flash
- Arctic
- Heaven
- Elegance
- Daisy
- Angelo
- Palomo
- Diamond
- Ivory
- Snow
- Khaleesi
- Celeste
- Siberia
- Pearl
- Omega
- Cadence
- Icarus
- Silver
- Frost
- Nimbus
- Crystal
Horse Name Inspiration
If you do not find inspiration in any of the names above, consider some of the following interesting facts about the mustang breed, perhaps they will provide inspiration!
- The word Mustang derives from the Spanish words “mestengo” and “mostrenco” which are used to refer to wild cattle.
- When used for horse riding, mustangs are best suited for trail riding and scouting.
- Mustangs are not technically wild, since they derive from domesticated horses, they are feral.
- Mustangs gallop between 25 and 30 mph.
- In times of trouble, the mustang stallion fights for his herd while the lead mare leads the herd to safety.
- Mustangs are usually born in April, May, and June.
- Mustangs are tamable but are better known for their wild nature.
Choosing a name that fits the majesty of the mustang is not easy. If you find yourself lost for direction, try using a baby-naming website and search for names by meaning. You will be surprised at the number of possibilities when you search for mustang-themed qualities.
If you’re still looking for more inspiration, check out these awesome lists of horse names!