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Deciding on a name for your new horse can be very challenging. But, if you’re determined to pick from horse names that start with S, you’re halfway there.
You want a name that not only sounds powerful and poignant but also delivers a punch. Plus, your horse should have a moniker reflective of its personality, demeanor, and individuality.
You also want to pay attention to the kind of job or work they’ll do and allow their name to coincide with it. If you have a female horse you want for winter transport work, a name like Snowball might suffice. But, if you have a beefy stallion that lends itself to a cool horse name, then something like Saxon might fit best.
Mare Horse Names That Start With S
Female horses, also called mares or fillies, are going to be with you for the next 20 to 30 years. So, select the best name befitting her vast and layered personality.
Before jumping on a name, though, it may be best to wait a week or two so that you can understand her nature and individual quirks.
- Saba
- Sabine
- Sable
- Sabrina
- Sadie
- Saffron
- Sahara
- Saldana
- Sally
- Samantha
- Samara
- Samsara
- Sandra
- Sandy
- Sangria
- Sarah
- Sari
- Sasha
- Sassy
- Savannah
- Saving Grace
- Saxon Rose
- Sayua
- Scarlet
- Sedna
- Sedona
- Sekhmet
- Semele
- Selena
- Selma
- Selqet
- Seneca
- Senna
- Senorita
- Sequoia
- Seraphim
- Seraphina
- Serena
- Serenity
- Sessilee
- Shady Dame
- Shakira
- Sharlene
- Sharon
- Shasta
- Shawna
- Shayla
- Shayna
- Sheba
- Sheena
- Sheera
- Sherene
- Sherry Cherry
- Shirelle
- Shirley
- Shona
- Shoshanna
- Shy Girl
- Sia
- Sian
- Sibyl
- Sicily
- Sienna
- Sierra
- Sigourney
- Silvia
- Simone
- Siren
- Sissela
- Sissy
- Sitara
- Siva
- Skadi
- Snowball
- Snow White
- Soiree
- Solange
- Solara
- Soleil
- Soma
- Sonata
- Sonya
- Sophie
- Sophronia
- Soraya
- Sorbet
- Spinderella
- Stacia
- Stacy
- Stella
- Stephanie
- Stevie
- Stheno
- Sugar
- Sugar n’ Spice
- Suki
- Sultana
- Summer
- Sunshine
- Suzie
- Svelte
- Sveta
- Svetlana
- Sweet Pea
- Sweetie
Gelding And Stallion Horse Names That Start With S
When you have a male horse or a stallion, you want a name that displays masculinity while also representing his character. But, if your male is a gelding, meaning the horse underwent castration, you have a larger swath of unisex names from which to choose.
Stallion Names That Begin With S
For males who retain their reproductive capacity, you want a solid, fortified moniker. It should be a reflection of his demeanor, attitude, and activity. It could be playful, intense, celestial, or literal.
- Sabbath
- Saber
- Sager
- Saginaw
- Sailorman
- Salamander
- Salvador
- Sammie
- Sancho
- Sandman
- Sanford
- Santiago
- Santos
- Saracen
- Sargon of Akkad
- Saturn
- Saunders
- Savage
- Savior
- Sawyer
- Saxon
- Scar
- Schooner
- Schwartz
- Scholar
- Scion
- Scooter
- Score
- Scorpio
- Scottie
- Scourge
- Sea Biscuit
- Sebastian
- Septimus
- Sergeant
- Sergei
- Sergio
- Serpico
- Seth
- Severino
- Shadow
- Shakespeare
- Shamus
- Shane
- Shango
- Sharif
- Shaun
- Shazam
- Shelton
- Shepherd
- Sherlock
- Sherman
- Sherriff
- Sherwin
- Sherwood
- Shocker
- Shredder
- Shrek
- Shy Boy
- Sigmund
- Sigurd
- Silas
- Silent Knight
- Silko
- Silver
- Simba
- Simon
- Sinbad
- Sinclair
- Sirius
- Sir Lancelot
- Sivan
- Skipper
- Skippy
- Skinwalker
- Skull n’ Bones
- Sky
- Skylar
- Slacker
- Slate
- Sleuth
- Sloan
- Slowmo
- Slugger
- Sly
- Snake
- Snazy
- Socrates
- Sojourn
- Sol
- Soldier
- Solid State
- Solomon
- Sonny
- Soot
- Sorcerer
- Soren
- Souro
- Speedy
- Spike
- Spindle
- Spiro
- Spitfire
- Springer
- Spock
- Sport
- Sprocket
- Spur
- Squire
- Stalker
- Stallion
- Stallone
- Stamina
- Stanley
- Stark
- Steady Freddy
- Stealth
- Steel
- Stephan
- Stereo
- Sterling
- Stern
- Stew
- Stingray
- Stockton
- Stogie
- Stone Cold
- Storm Trooper
- Stormy Weather
- Story
- Strong Heart
- Stryker
- Sumo Wrestler
- Stafford
- Stanford
- Stanislov
- Stoker
- Stuart
- Stumpy
- Styx
- Sulla
- Sullivan
- Sultan
- Sun King
- Superman
- Supernova
- Surefire
- Sven
- Swordfighter
- Sylvester
- Syrus
Gelding Names That Begin With S
Although suggestions for geldings, you could also apply these for females if you’re looking for a name that’s not gender-specific. Likewise, if you like any of the stallion names, you are more than free to select one of those.
Here are some of our top choices:
- Sacred Spirit
- Sage
- Sagittarius
- Salsa
- Sanctified
- Sand Dollar
- Sandstone
- Santa’s Little Helper
- Santana
- Sapphire
- Sapporo
- Sarcastic
- Sardonyx
- Sawdust
- Sea Foam
- Seal
- Searing
- Seaspray
- September
- Sequin
- Serrano
- Serpentine
- Seven
- Shadow Boxer
- Shady
- Shaken Not Stirred
- Shakti
- Shalom
- Shamrock
- Shannon
- Sharp
- Shelby
- Shelly
- Sheridan
- Shiloh
- Shimmer
- Shine
- Shoney
- Showboat
- Sidney
- Sigil
- Silence
- Silhouette
- Silky
- Sincerity
- Singleton
- Skeeter
- Skittles
- Skunk
- Sky Dancer
- Sleek
- Slick
- Smiley
- Smokey
- Smooth Operator
- Snail
- Snapper
- Snicker Doodle
- Snookie
- Snowbird
- Snowdrop
- Snowflake
- Snowy
- Soda Pop
- Solar Flare
- Solstice
- Songbird
- Sonnet
- Sonic
- Sooki
- Soprano
- Soulful
- Sourpuss
- Spaghetti
- Sparkle
- Sparrow
- Spazz
- Speckle
- Speedball
- Spiffy
- Spinner
- Splash
- Spoof
- Spooky
- Spot
- Sprig
- Springtime
- Sprite
- Sputnik
- Squeak
- Starbuck
- Stardust
- Stargazer
- Starling
- Star Shine
- Star Spangled
- Stinker
- Stomper
- Stoner
- Storm
- Strawberry
- Stride
- Stunner
- Sub Zero
- Sublime
- Sugar Foot
- Sunburn
- Sunburst
- Sun Dancer
- Sunday
- Sundial
- Sundown
- Sun Kissed
- Sunray
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Supersonic
- Sushi
- Swansong
- Sweet Grass
- Sweet Tart
- Swift
- Swish
- Sycamore
- Symphony
Race Horse Name Considerations
However, if your new equine friend is going to be a racehorse, there are strict rules you have to follow to qualify for places like the Kentucky Derby. Consider the following:
- There can be no more than 18 letters to the horse’s name (punctuation and spaces constitute a letter).
- The name can’t be all initials.
- There can’t be a clear artistic, creative, or commercial significance to the name.
- Do not select a suggestive, vulgar, or obscene name.
- The name shouldn’t be in poor taste or take on any offensive meaning for ethnic, political, or religious groups.
- The only time you can use a living person’s name is with provable, written permission.
- The name cannot contain any horse-related words (ie – colt, mare, stallion, filly and etc).
- A name cannot contain only numbers; you must spell out any numbers above 30.
- No racetrack names or graded stakes races should be part of the horse’s name.
Horse lovers have quite the time trying to find a name for their new equine friend. But paying close attention to the horse and its personality will eventually allow the name to shine through. It may be a good idea to select a few names and see if the horse responds more to one than others.
Regardless, you may want to consider two names for your horse if you plan on competing or racing it. This is often a common practice for such horses to have a “show” name and a “barn” name.
If you’re still looking for more inspiration, check out these awesome lists of horse names!