Horse Names That Start With S (381 Awesome Choices)

Deciding on a name for your new horse can be very challenging. But, if you’re determined to pick from horse names that start with S, you’re halfway there.

You want a name that not only sounds powerful and poignant but also delivers a punch. Plus, your horse should have a moniker reflective of its personality, demeanor, and individuality.

You also want to pay attention to the kind of job or work they’ll do and allow their name to coincide with it. If you have a female horse you want for winter transport work, a name like Snowball might suffice. But, if you have a beefy stallion that lends itself to a cool horse name, then something like Saxon might fit best.

Swedish Warmblood Horse

Mare Horse Names That Start With S

Female horses, also called mares or fillies, are going to be with you for the next 20 to 30 years. So, select the best name befitting her vast and layered personality.

Before jumping on a name, though, it may be best to wait a week or two so that you can understand her nature and individual quirks.

  1. Saba
  2. Sabine
  3. Sable
  4. Sabrina
  5. Sadie
  6. Saffron
  7. Sahara
  8. Saldana
  9. Sally
  10. Samantha
  11. Samara
  12. Samsara
  13. Sandra
  14. Sandy
  15. Sangria
  16. Sarah
  17. Sari
  18. Sasha
  19. Sassy
  20. Savannah
  21. Saving Grace
  22. Saxon Rose
  23. Sayua
  24. Scarlet
  25. Sedna
  26. Sedona
  27. Sekhmet
  28. Semele
  29. Selena
  30. Selma
  31. Selqet
  32. Seneca
  33. Senna
  34. Senorita
  35. Sequoia
  36. Seraphim
  37. Seraphina
  38. Serena
  39. Serenity
  40. Sessilee
  41. Shady Dame
  42. Shakira
  43. Sharlene
  44. Sharon
  45. Shasta
  46. Shawna
  47. Shayla
  48. Shayna
  49. Sheba
  50. Sheena
  51. Sheera
  52. Sherene
  53. Sherry Cherry
  54. Shirelle
  55. Shirley
  56. Shona
  57. Shoshanna
  58. Shy Girl
  59. Sia
  60. Sian
  61. Sibyl
  62. Sicily
  63. Sienna
  64. Sierra
  65. Sigourney
  66. Silvia
  67. Simone
  68. Siren
  69. Sissela
  70. Sissy
  71. Sitara
  72. Siva
  73. Skadi
  74. Snowball
  75. Snow White
  76. Soiree
  77. Solange
  78. Solara
  79. Soleil
  80. Soma
  81. Sonata
  82. Sonya
  83. Sophie
  84. Sophronia
  85. Soraya
  86. Sorbet
  87. Spinderella
  88. Stacia
  89. Stacy
  90. Stella
  91. Stephanie
  92. Stevie
  93. Stheno
  94. Sugar
  95. Sugar n’ Spice
  96. Suki
  97. Sultana
  98. Summer
  99. Sunshine
  100. Suzie
  101. Svelte
  102. Sveta
  103. Svetlana
  104. Sweet Pea
  105. Sweetie

Gelding And Stallion Horse Names That Start With S

When you have a male horse or a stallion, you want a name that displays masculinity while also representing his character. But, if your male is a gelding, meaning the horse underwent castration, you have a larger swath of unisex names from which to choose.

Stallion Names That Begin With S

For males who retain their reproductive capacity, you want a solid, fortified moniker. It should be a reflection of his demeanor, attitude, and activity. It could be playful, intense, celestial, or literal.

  1. Sabbath
  2. Saber
  3. Sager
  4. Saginaw
  5. Sailorman
  6. Salamander
  7. Salvador
  8. Sammie
  9. Sancho
  10. Sandman
  11. Sanford
  12. Santiago
  13. Santos
  14. Saracen
  15. Sargon of Akkad
  16. Saturn
  17. Saunders
  18. Savage
  19. Savior
  20. Sawyer
  21. Saxon
  22. Scar
  23. Schooner
  24. Schwartz
  25. Scholar
  26. Scion
  27. Scooter
  28. Score
  29. Scorpio
  30. Scottie
  31. Scourge
  32. Sea Biscuit
  33. Sebastian
  34. Septimus
  35. Sergeant
  36. Sergei
  37. Sergio
  38. Serpico
  39. Seth
  40. Severino
  41. Shadow
  42. Shakespeare
  43. Shamus
  44. Shane
  45. Shango
  46. Sharif
  47. Shaun
  48. Shazam
  49. Shelton
  50. Shepherd
  51. Sherlock
  52. Sherman
  53. Sherriff
  54. Sherwin
  55. Sherwood
  56. Shocker
  57. Shredder
  58. Shrek
  59. Shy Boy
  60. Sigmund
  61. Sigurd
  62. Silas
  63. Silent Knight
  64. Silko
  65. Silver
  66. Simba
  67. Simon
  68. Sinbad
  69. Sinclair
  70. Sirius
  71. Sir Lancelot
  72. Sivan
  73. Skipper
  74. Skippy
  75. Skinwalker
  76. Skull n’ Bones
  77. Sky
  78. Skylar
  79. Slacker
  80. Slate
  81. Sleuth
  82. Sloan
  83. Slowmo
  84. Slugger
  85. Sly
  86. Snake
  87. Snazy
  88. Socrates
  89. Sojourn
  90. Sol
  91. Soldier
  92. Solid State
  93. Solomon
  94. Sonny
  95. Soot
  96. Sorcerer
  97. Soren
  98. Souro
  99. Speedy
  100. Spike
  101. Spindle
  102. Spiro
  103. Spitfire
  104. Springer
  105. Spock
  106. Sport
  107. Sprocket
  108. Spur
  109. Squire
  110. Stalker
  111. Stallion
  112. Stallone
  113. Stamina
  114. Stanley
  115. Stark
  116. Steady Freddy
  117. Stealth
  118. Steel
  119. Stephan
  120. Stereo
  121. Sterling
  122. Stern
  123. Stew
  124. Stingray
  125. Stockton
  126. Stogie
  127. Stone Cold
  128. Storm Trooper
  129. Stormy Weather
  130. Story
  131. Strong Heart
  132. Stryker
  133. Sumo Wrestler
  134. Stafford
  135. Stanford
  136. Stanislov
  137. Stoker
  138. Stuart
  139. Stumpy
  140. Styx
  141. Sulla
  142. Sullivan
  143. Sultan
  144. Sun King
  145. Superman
  146. Supernova
  147. Surefire
  148. Sven
  149. Swordfighter
  150. Sylvester
  151. Syrus

Gelding Names That Begin With S

Although suggestions for geldings, you could also apply these for females if you’re looking for a name that’s not gender-specific. Likewise, if you like any of the stallion names, you are more than free to select one of those.

Here are some of our top choices:

  1. Sacred Spirit
  2. Sage
  3. Sagittarius
  4. Salsa
  5. Sanctified
  6. Sand Dollar
  7. Sandstone
  8. Santa’s Little Helper
  9. Santana
  10. Sapphire
  11. Sapporo
  12. Sarcastic
  13. Sardonyx
  14. Sawdust
  15. Sea Foam
  16. Seal
  17. Searing
  18. Seaspray
  19. September
  20. Sequin
  21. Serrano
  22. Serpentine
  23. Seven
  24. Shadow Boxer
  25. Shady
  26. Shaken Not Stirred
  27. Shakti
  28. Shalom
  29. Shamrock
  30. Shannon
  31. Sharp
  32. Shelby
  33. Shelly
  34. Sheridan
  35. Shiloh
  36. Shimmer
  37. Shine
  38. Shoney
  39. Showboat
  40. Sidney
  41. Sigil
  42. Silence
  43. Silhouette
  44. Silky
  45. Sincerity
  46. Singleton
  47. Skeeter
  48. Skittles
  49. Skunk
  50. Sky Dancer
  51. Sleek
  52. Slick
  53. Smiley
  54. Smokey
  55. Smooth Operator
  56. Snail
  57. Snapper
  58. Snicker Doodle
  59. Snookie
  60. Snowbird
  61. Snowdrop
  62. Snowflake
  63. Snowy
  64. Soda Pop
  65. Solar Flare
  66. Solstice
  67. Songbird
  68. Sonnet
  69. Sonic
  70. Sooki
  71. Soprano
  72. Soulful
  73. Sourpuss
  74. Spaghetti
  75. Sparkle
  76. Sparrow
  77. Spazz
  78. Speckle
  79. Speedball
  80. Spiffy
  81. Spinner
  82. Splash
  83. Spoof
  84. Spooky
  85. Spot
  86. Sprig
  87. Springtime
  88. Sprite
  89. Sputnik
  90. Squeak
  91. Starbuck
  92. Stardust
  93. Stargazer
  94. Starling
  95. Star Shine
  96. Star Spangled
  97. Stinker
  98. Stomper
  99. Stoner
  100. Storm
  101. Strawberry
  102. Stride
  103. Stunner
  104. Sub Zero
  105. Sublime
  106. Sugar Foot
  107. Sunburn
  108. Sunburst
  109. Sun Dancer
  110. Sunday
  111. Sundial
  112. Sundown
  113. Sun Kissed
  114. Sunray
  115. Sunrise
  116. Sunset
  117. Supersonic
  118. Sushi
  119. Swansong
  120. Sweet Grass
  121. Sweet Tart
  122. Swift
  123. Swish
  124. Sycamore
  125. Symphony

Race Horse Name Considerations

However, if your new equine friend is going to be a racehorse, there are strict rules you have to follow to qualify for places like the Kentucky Derby. Consider the following:

  • There can be no more than 18 letters to the horse’s name (punctuation and spaces constitute a letter).
  • The name can’t be all initials.
  • There can’t be a clear artistic, creative, or commercial significance to the name.
  • Do not select a suggestive, vulgar, or obscene name.
  • The name shouldn’t be in poor taste or take on any offensive meaning for ethnic, political, or religious groups.
  • The only time you can use a living person’s name is with provable, written permission.
  • The name cannot contain any horse-related words (ie – colt, mare, stallion, filly and etc).
  • A name cannot contain only numbers; you must spell out any numbers above 30.
  • No racetrack names or graded stakes races should be part of the horse’s name.


Horse lovers have quite the time trying to find a name for their new equine friend. But paying close attention to the horse and its personality will eventually allow the name to shine through. It may be a good idea to select a few names and see if the horse responds more to one than others.

Regardless, you may want to consider two names for your horse if you plan on competing or racing it. This is often a common practice for such horses to have a “show” name and a “barn” name.

If you’re still looking for more inspiration, check out these awesome lists of horse names!

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