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The Scottish horse breed known as the Clydesdale originates from the Clyde River valley in Lanarkshire county.
The breed was born in the eighteenth century when imported Flemish horses mated with the local Scottish horses.
A Clydesdale horse is generally bay-colored. However, a Clydesdale horse can be a black horse as well. Dark brown is another common color of Clydesdale horses.
In this article, we’ll take you through 400 Clydesdale horse names to make it easy for you to pick a great name for your gentle giant.
Let’s dive in.

Female Clydesdale Horse Names
Clydesdale female horse names can be wide and varied and you can find out 100 of them in this section:
- Adaira
- Adairia
- Ailsa
- Aileana
- Aileen
- Annabel
- Ansley
- Ava
- Blaire
- Bonelle
- Cadha
- Caillen
- Caitir
- Camden
- Cameron
- Cora
- Crissy
- Dallas
- Dallis
- Daracha
- Dolina
- Donaldina
- Donella
- Drew
- Eara
- Elsbeth
- Elspeth
- Elsea
- Emer
- Emily
- Fia
- Fina
- Finnea
- Fiona
- Forba
- Greer
- Grisell
- Grizela
- Halleigh
- Iona
- Jaimie
- Jaine
- Jamee
- Jamesina
- Jami
- Jamia
- Jaymie
- Jean
- Jesanie
- Jessica
- Kamdyn
- Kenna
- Kennedy
- Kenzie
- Kenzy
- Kilmeny
- Leann
- Leith
- Lesley
- Leslie
- Levene
- Lochellen
- Lorna
- Lyndsey
- Machara
- Mackenzie
- Mairi
- Maisie
- Maisy
- Maizey
- Maizy
- Marjary
- Maysie
- McKenna
- McKenzie
- Meribeth
- Morag
- Nairna
- Nairne
- Nathaira
- Neale
- Paisleigh
- Paisley
- Parlan
- Pate
- Peigi
- Rhona
- Robina
- Seonag
- Sileas
- Sima
- Sloan
- Sophie
- Tara
- Taye
- Torberta
- Torrey
- Torrie
- Tosia
- Vertie

Male Clydesdale Horse Names
If you have a male Clydesdale horse, you can choose from the following names:
- Aaran
- Abernathy
- Abhainn
- Abott
- Achaius
- Ailein
- Ailsie
- Aklen
- Alasdair
- Alastair
- Alistaire
- Allister
- Amhuinn
- Anderson
- Andrew
- Baen
- Baigh
- Baird
- Balmoral
- Banner
- Blane
- Boyd
- Braden
- Bram
- Broden
- Bryston
- Cailean
- Caillen
- Calan
- Calder
- Campbell
- Camron
- Carmichael
- Carson
- Chisholm
- Culloden
- Cunningham
- Daileass
- Dallas
- Dalziel
- Doug
- Doughall
- Douglas
- Duff
- Duncan
- Erskine
- Evan
- Ewan
- Farquharson
- Fergus
- Gavan
- Gaven
- Gavin
- Gawen
- Gilleasbuig
- Hamish
- Harris
- Harry
- Iain
- Ian
- James
- Jamie
- Johnson
- Kai
- Kameron
- Kenneth
- Kenny
- Kenzie
- Kin
- Kinney
- Lamont
- Laochailan
- Laren
- Lennox
- Leo
- Mac
- Macauley
- MacBeth
- MacGillivray
- MacGregor
- Malcolm
- Malcom
- Maxwell
- Mitchell
- Montgomery
- Neill
- Ness
- Niall
- Noah
- Norris
- Peyton
- Quinn
- Ramsey
- Ray
- Reed
- Rory
- Roy
- Royal
- Sandy
- Scot
Budweiser Clydesdale Horse Names
Anheuser Busch, the makers of world-famous Budweiser beer, own Budweiser Clydesdales and use them for promotions. They are raised at Warm Springs Ranch a farm near St Louis in the American state of Missouri.
Names of Budweiser horse names tend to be short like the following:
- Aed
- Alec
- Aodh
- Birk
- Camp
- Cory
- Davis
- Dearg
- Elliot
- Errol
- Gair
- Grant
- Jack
- Jacky
- Albe
- Alish
- Broca
- Edina
- Elia
- Euna
- Gara
- Grace
- Isla
- Janet
- Laire
We hope you find a great choice from these names inspired straight from the Anheuser Busch brewery.
Famous Clydesdale Horse Names
Take a look at the following list for some famous Clydesdale names:
- Adair
- Addison
- Aileene
- Aisla
- Amelia
- Bryce
- Bryson
- Caley
- Cauley
- Charlotte
- Dunmore
- Eachan
- Earie
- Edine
- Eisla
- Erroll
- Kirk
- Labhraim
- Lachlan
- Lorne
- Luthais
- Osla
- Raoghnailt
- Wynfreda
- Yvaine

Good Names For Clydesdale Horses
On the hunt for a good name for your Clydesdale horse?
Go through this section to find some really good names:
- Agravain
- Ailbert
- Alaster
- Blaine
- Blair
- Blake
- Bonnibel
- Bonnie
- Bonny-Lee
- Cambeul
- Camden
- Cameron
- Daviana
- Davida
- Davina
- Erwina
- Evanna
- Everallin
- Fletcher
- Fraser
- Frasier
- Jaimee
- Jaimelynn
- Jaimi
- Kelsey
- Keltie
- Kenina
- Kendrew
- Kendrick
- Kennan
- Leana
- Leane
- Lileas
- MacLaren
- MacNab
- MacPherson
- Maesie
- Maezie
- Maggie
- Minnie
- Moira
- Monroe
- Murdock
- Murray
- Neilan
- Nes
- Nessa
- Nessia
- Olivia
- Oliver
Cute Clydesdale Names
Clydesdale names can be cute as well and here are a few examples of cute Clydesdale names:
- Aleck
- Alexander
- Brody
- Bruce
- Christal
- Colina
- Clyde
- Colin
- Gavina
- Gordana
- Gordon
- Graeme
- Janneth
- Jaymee
- Kamron
- Keith
- Lewis
- Lainie
- Lilias
- Linsey
- Logan
- Mhairi
- Mhari
- Ross
- Roth
Black Clydesdale Horse Names
If you own a black stallion or mare Clydesdale horse, feel free to pick a name:
- Archibald
- Argyle
- Creighton
- Cromwell
- Davita
- Davonna
- Galiene
- Jackie
- Jackson
- Kamryn
- Kellina
- MacKenzie
- Makailyn
- Makenna
- Makiya
- Malmuira
- Marcail
- Morrison
- Munro
- Ogilhinn
- Scott
- Scotty
- Shaw
- Torhte
- Tormaigh

Brown Clydesdale Horse Names
If you own a brown Clydesdale horse, the following names would be ideal to choose from:
- Alistair
- Angus
- Athdar
- Bearnard
- Brichtrede
- Brodric
- Davidson
- Donal
- Donald
- Eppie
- Frazier
- Graham
- Hamilton
- Irving
- Isobel
- Jamielee
- Jamilyn
- Kinny
- Kynlee
- Lakeland
- Lilidh
- Lindsay
- Mack
- Paden
- Paton
Show Names For Clydesdale Horses
The following names would make for great show names for your Clydesdale horse:
- Campbell
- MacKinley
- Mai
- Payton
- Reid
- Robert
- Ronald
- Sinclair
- Stewart
- Taveon
- Tavin
- Tavion
- Tavis
- Tavish
- Tavon
- Thacker
- Thaxter
- Torgeir
- Torrian
- Torsten
- Tory
- Toshiro
- Tyrone
- Walmond
- Watson
How To Find Inspiration For The Right Name Of Your Horse
Two factors to keep in mind before naming your horse are its personality and its physical features. For example, Torgeir is a great name for a Clydesdale horse to give it an authentic Scottish feel.
Ultimately, the name you pick boils down to your tastes and preferences. So get creative and imaginative and also remember that the name should be easy to pronounce for everyone in your family.
We hope these lists have helped you to choose the right name for your horse.
If you haven’t decided on a name yet, give this post one more thorough read, and you should be able to narrow down a name that matches your horse’s personality.
If all else fails try some of our other guides recommended below or you could even try an online horse name generator!
If you’re still looking for more inspiration, check out these awesome lists of horse names!