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Horses have been highly adored by humans for a long time. They helped us fight battles and enabled us to travel long distances. There is something that is really inspiring about their body, speed and character. So, no wonder many of us want one of these magnificent animals.
If you want to own a horse and if you are looking for some exciting ‘bay horse names’, this article will be helpful for you.
Horses can have various shades and colors. Most commonly, bay, black, brown, chestnut and white. ‘Bay’ is one of the most common coat colors in many horse breeds. Bay horses have a brown or reddish-brown body color with a black point coloration of the tail, mane, lower legs and ears.
So, let us dive right in and look at some interesting bay horse names.

Bay Gelding Horse Names
Geldings are neutered male horses, and they are desired by many riders since they are calmer, more stable and much better-behaved.
Here are some names of gelding brown horses:
- Milo
- Tully
- Pax
- Hiro
- Reizo
- Axel
- Cid
- Jonah
- Stellan
- Frederick
- Solomon
- Paciano
- Damian
- Wilfred
- Miro
- Rusty
- Pecan
- Umber
- Rocky
- Corky
- Teddy
- Chuck
- Russell
- Charlie
- Daniel
- Jack
- Fidelity
- Samson
- Fido
- Lago
- Astro
- Bambino
- Frodo
- Buzz
- Frisco
- Clyde
- Coco (Cocoa)
- Coby
- Casper
- Kenny
- Argo
- Cody (Codi)
- Shepherd
- Tango
- Percy
- Barney
- Amigo
- Colby
- Graham
- Brodie (Brody)
- Rudy
- Pebbles
- Bernie
- Abel
- Yoshi
- Fido
- Alex (Alyx)
- Earnest
- Cooper
- Toby
- Jude
- Ridley
- Marley
- Walter
- Ziggy
- Larry
- Reggie
- Eddie (Eddy)
- Hershey
- Angus
- Bowie
- Absinthe
- Bamboo
- Blush
- Bono
- Brando
- Buddha
- Caramel
- Cashmere
- Cloud
- Cruiser
- Daddyo
- Dude
- Fonzie
- Gnocchi
- Haze
- Jedi
- Junebug
- Lynx
- Magness
- Marmite
- Mellow
- Merlot
- Mojo
- Moonshine
- Mosey
- Chewy
- Paxil
- Raindrop
- Serenity
- Sneakers
- Waddles
- Yoga
- Zen
- Andy
- Arion
- Barca
- Barney
- Beavis
- Dusty
- Buddy
- Humphrey
- Placido
- Paxton
- Godfrey
- Casimir
- Zalman
- Amandeep
- Manfred
- Kazuki
- Miroslav
- Bohumir
- Galen
- Shlomo
- Colm
- Peace
- Salem
- Sheehan
- Chiraz
- Concord
- Jeffy
- Joachim
- Judeth
- Jules
- Kazuya
- Noah
- Sereno
- Constantinos
- Oliver
- Kenzo
- Bailey
- Buddy
- Marley
- Ben
- Alfie
- Lexi
- Jess
- Vinnie
- Pops
- Ozzie
Bay Mare Horse Names
A mare, which is a female horse, is much sought after as it is more friendly and predictable as compared to stallions.
Here are some easy to pronounce names for your mares:
- Carmella
- Maple
- Hazel
- Penny
- Canela
- Amber
- Sienna
- Henna
- Sandy
- Goldie
- Heather
- Millie
- Brandy
- Bourbon
- Acorn
- Anise
- Arizona
- Beans
- Fudge
- Brownie
- Caramel
- Chestnut
- Cocoa
- Forest
- Godiva
- Java
- Kona
- Leather
- Mocha
- Reeses
- Sedona
- Sepia
- Topaz
- Tuscan
- Twix
- Umber
- Bailey
- Bambi
- Bindi
- Chili
- Cora
- Ginger
- Ginny
- Heath
- Henna
- Honey
- Moana
- Penny
- Tootsie
- Wilma
- Winnie
- Xena
- Canoli
- Maui
- Pretzel
- Pumpkin
- Sahara
- Bella
- Daisy
- Lucy
- Molly
- Maggie
- Lola
- Sophie
- Chloe
- Bailey
- Lily
- Gracie
- Roxy
- Abby
- Emma
- Lucie
- Sierra
- Luna
- Heidi
- Angel
- Holly
- Nikki
- Peanut
- Josie
- Katie
- Pepper
- Phoebe
- Princess
- Lady
- Cali
- Layla
- Rosie
- Roxie
- Lexie
- Casey
- Ruby
- Lola
- Cleo
- Lucky
- Sally
- Sandy
- Cookie
- Lulu
- Sasha
- Sassy
- Dakota
- Macy
- Dixie
- Maddy
- Shadow
- Ella
- Madison
- Shelby
- Ellie
- Marly
- Stella
- Maya
- Mia
- Sugar
- Sydney
- Grace
- Trixie
- Mimi
- Gracie
- Hannah
- Minnie
- Willow
- Winny
- Missie
- Harley
- Winnie
- Zoe
- Zoey
- Misty
- Adara
- Addison
- Adelaide
- Adele
- Adeline
- Adelyn
- Adriana
- Agatha
- Aggy
- Agnes
- Ajda
- Akira
- Alexia
- Alice
- Allie
- Alma
- Almond
- Alyssa
- Amanda
- Amari
Show Names For Bay Geldings
Every horse is a unique horse, and some of them go on to become very famous horses! Whether it is a race horse or a quarter horse, we have some amazing names for the perfect horse right here.
- Anton
- Atoff
- Auguste
- Bill
- Bobo
- Bozo
- Circo
- Dikki
- Felix
- Grimaldi
- Grock
- Harlequin
- Hobo
- Jester
- Krusty
- Lou
- Oleg
- Flint
- Otto
- Patch
- Pierrot
- Pueblo
- Rodeo
- Skeebo
- Vance
- Colt
- Vincenzo
- Bart
- Bruno
- Dolores
- Alessandro
- Amadeus
- Dimitri
- Thor
- Lucifer
- Marcello
- Howard
- Florenzo
- Enzo
- Benno
- Frederick
- Rory
- Gustav
- Victor
- Rolando
- Joshua
- Wilder
- Valentino
- Orlando
- Beatrix
Show Names For Bay Mares
- Adler
- Amelia
- Annie
- Claudia
- Clownesse
- Columbine
- Croaky
- Evette
- Heyoka
- Iman
- Izzy
- Jasp
- Jojo
- Lunette
- Mooky
- Morro
- Nina
- Peaches
- Peggy
- Spirulina
- Yvette
- Ella
- Pippa
- Aurelia
- Petunia
- Dolores
- Alessandra
- Tiffani
- Iva
- Eva
- Trazella
- Maurice
- Petal
- Harriet
- Penelope
- Axel
- Mirabella
- Noodles
- Buttons
- Ernie
- Remmy
- Jasmine
- Olya
- Amoret
- Jezebel
- Jacobi
- Vivienne
- Chabriet
- Hortensia
- Jojo
Dark Bay Horse Names
Sometimes, dark is graceful and elegant. Dark bay horses are a shade darker than their lighter cousins and that can give them a very attractive look.
Here are some names for dark bay and dark brown horses:
- Calypso
- Carmel
- Franny
- Galaxy
- Ginny
- Dulce
- Bonbon
- Angus
- Chewy
- Dino
- Duncan
- Finley
- Barrel
- Baylor
- Frito
- Fudge
- Benji
- Chalie
- Diesel
- Penny
- Maui
- Melody
- Meridian
- Puma
- Pumpkin
- Russet
- Nutmeg
- Maximus
- Jasper
- Prune
- Quinn
- Jupiter
- Hank
- Harvey
- Koda
- Reeses
- Hershey
- Leo
- Sahara
- Zephyr
- Zola
- Scone
- Scarlet
- Rudy
- Woody
- Tanner
- Oak
- Roo
- Reno
- Jackson
Cherry Bay Horse Names
As cute as a cherry. Yes! Some horses may fit that description! Find below some attractive names for your great horse:
- Miaka
- Fagen
- Raleigh
- Flan
- Flanna
- Rufus
- Rufina
- Terra
- Clifford
- Rowan
- Rogan
- Gilroy
- Clancy
- Pomme
- Adar
- Akako
- Crimson
- Merlot
- Ruby
- Rugby
- Fred
- Penny
- Pyro
- Smokey
Blood Bay Horse Names
Some bay horses can look like they are a shade of red! Here as some more names:
- Cayenne
- Sunrise
- Jalopy
- Redding
- Redford
- Redman
- Valentine
- Firefox
- Foxy
- Frazier
- Peaches
- Peony
- Percy
- Aurelius
- Gilda
- Poppers
- Henna
- Reese
- Sunny
- Lava
- Cressida
- Volcano
- Dior
- Ember
- Chucky
How To Choose The Right Name For Your Horse
Choosing the right horse name can sometimes be challenging, especially if you haven’t had a chance to get to know their personality yet. Oftentimes, an older horse will come with a name already, but if you don’t like that name, you may want to change it.
Of course, if you got a new foal, then you will definitely need a fitting name that makes him or her proud. You might even need to have both a stable name and a registered name. The stable names are often cute or funny names, whereas the registered name will be more prominent.
Choosing Short Names
Short names are easy to remember, and they are great for everyday use as a stable name. You can choose between one or two-syllable names that won’t be shortened later on, such as Ghost, Olaf, or Sable.
But before you choose your new horse’s name, you should try it out a few times and see if it’s a good fit for your horses’ personality. You wouldn’t want to name your horse Lightning if it slowly moves around and doesn’t have never-ending energy!
You will want to see how it feels when you call their name from across the pasture. Did it sound right to you and make you feel good about the name you chose? Does the name you chose actually match your horse? If so, you’ve found the perfect name. If not, try out some other names before making a final decision.
Choosing Fitting Or Funny Names
If you take a good look at your horse, you might find some characteristics or markings that would make a great name. For example, if your horse has spots, you could name it Polka Dot. Maybe it has a marking that looks like a heart, then Valentine or Lovestruck might fit perfectly!
If your horse has a persona that screams elegance, then a name like Diamond would be great. Just allow your imagination to run wild, and you’ll find the perfect name for your horse. Choosing a fun name is even easier; it allows you to bond with your horse in a loving way that makes both of you happy.
Many people like to name their horses using human names, like Charlie or Wilbur. Some folks even choose to name their horse after famous people or famous horses. In the end, you just want a name that makes you proud and that you feel your horse will wear well.
Note: There are some rules when choosing registry names, so be sure to check those out before making your final decision.
Inspiration Ideas For Horse Names
Many people look for some type of inspiration to name their horses, which can be an excellent way to find the perfect name. But where do they get their inspiration from? Well, that can depend on a few different factors.
It can be as simple as watching the Kentucky Derby and being inspired by one of the winners. Or maybe they had a coach or teacher that made a lasting impression on them, and they want to name their horse after them.
Some people name their horses after a loved one that they may recently have lost. There can be emotions that contribute to their inspiration, like their favorite grandma or grandpa that is no longer with them can be a meaningful way to name a horse.
But, if you can’t decide on what to name your horse, you can always use a name generator that takes some of your favorite things and creates the perfect name for you!
Hopefully, this list will make it easier for you to choose the perfect name for your bay horse. Horses are great animals and having one definitely makes your life better. Happy horsing to all the horse lovers and horse owners out there!
If you’re still looking for more inspiration, check out these awesome lists of horse names or an online horse generator!